Automotive yougtimers fabrics

Automotive yougtimers fabrics

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  • Name of vehicle: Other
Genuine Alcantara fabric for Land Rover

Genuine Alcantara fabric for Land Rover

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Genuine Alcantara fabric for Land Rover

Products made in Italy

Automotive products

Products for Land Rover

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric avaiable in limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Discover our wide range of products for Land Rover.

" ["description_short"]=> string(102) "

Alcantara fabric for Land Rover
Genuine fabric avaiable in one colors.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(34) "genuine-alcantara-fabric-landrover" ["meta_description"]=> string(85) "Alcantara fabric for Land Rover Genuine fabric avaiable in one colors. Sold by meter." 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Genuine Alcantara fabric for Land Rover

Products made in Italy

Automotive products

Products for Land Rover

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric avaiable in limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Discover our wide range of products for Land Rover.

" ["description_short"]=> string(102) "

Alcantara fabric for Land Rover
Genuine fabric avaiable in one colors.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(34) "genuine-alcantara-fabric-landrover" ["meta_description"]=> string(85) "Alcantara fabric for Land Rover Genuine fabric avaiable in one colors. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(39) "Genuine Alcantara fabric for Land Rover" ["name"]=> string(39) "Genuine Alcantara fabric for Land Rover" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(6) "209475" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(38) "contemporary-tuning-automotive-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(40) "Contemporary / tuning automotive fabrics" ["link"]=> string(106) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(170) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(170) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(996) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(6) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(6) "Italie" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(10) "Land Rover" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(1) "5" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(4) "Gray" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(4) "Gris" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(6) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(6) "Italie" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(10) "Land Rover" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Moda genuine fabrics to BMW 3 series grey color

Moda genuine fabrics to BMW 3 series

array(134) { ["id_product"]=> string(4) "6402" ["id_supplier"]=> string(2) "31" ["id_manufacturer"]=> string(2) "39" ["id_category_default"]=> string(3) "236" ["id_shop_default"]=> string(1) "1" ["id_tax_rules_group"]=> string(2) "28" ["on_sale"]=> string(1) "0" ["online_only"]=> string(1) "0" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax"]=> array(3) { ["value"]=> string(7) "€0.00" ["amount"]=> string(8) "0.000000" ["rate"]=> float(0) } ["quantity"]=> int(996) ["minimal_quantity"]=> string(1) "1" ["low_stock_threshold"]=> NULL ["low_stock_alert"]=> string(1) "0" ["price"]=> string(8) "€75.67" ["wholesale_price"]=> string(9) "22.700000" ["unity"]=> string(0) "" ["unit_price_ratio"]=> string(8) "0.000000" ["additional_shipping_cost"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["reference"]=> string(16) "BMW/Série3/Moda" ["supplier_reference"]=> string(0) "" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["width"]=> string(9) "20.000000" ["height"]=> string(9) "20.000000" ["depth"]=> string(10) "150.000000" ["weight"]=> string(8) "1.000000" ["out_of_stock"]=> string(1) "2" ["additional_delivery_times"]=> string(1) "1" ["quantity_discount"]=> string(1) "0" ["customizable"]=> string(1) "0" ["uploadable_files"]=> string(1) "0" ["text_fields"]=> string(1) "0" ["active"]=> string(1) "1" ["redirect_type"]=> string(3) "404" ["id_type_redirected"]=> string(1) "0" ["available_for_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["available_date"]=> NULL ["show_condition"]=> string(1) "0" ["condition"]=> bool(false) ["show_price"]=> bool(true) ["indexed"]=> string(1) "1" ["visibility"]=> string(4) "both" ["cache_is_pack"]=> string(1) "0" ["cache_has_attachments"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_virtual"]=> string(1) "0" ["cache_default_attribute"]=> string(6) "171262" ["date_add"]=> string(19) "2017-11-21 15:03:51" ["date_upd"]=> string(19) "2024-04-09 11:38:31" ["advanced_stock_management"]=> string(1) "0" ["pack_stock_type"]=> string(1) "3" ["state"]=> string(1) "1" ["express_shipping"]=> string(1) "0" ["img_thumb"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_gsr"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_msc"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["aimd_dpq"]=> string(1) "1" ["aimd_proportional"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_format"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_fa"]=> string(1) "1" ["aimd_rd"]=> string(7) "1.00000" ["activelinear"]=> string(1) "1" ["activeattrthumb"]=> string(1) "1" ["is_configurated"]=> string(1) "0" ["stockplace"]=> string(0) "" ["id_shop"]=> string(1) "1" ["id_lang"]=> string(1) "3" ["description"]=> string(1678) "

Moda genuine fabrics to BMW 3 series

Products made in Germany Products for BMW Automotive products

Genuine fabric to BMW 3 series.

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric avaiable in limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

Discover our wide range of fabrics and leathers for BMW cars.

" ["description_short"]=> string(102) "

Moda fabrics to BMW 3 series
Genuine product avaiable in one color.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(33) "moda-genuine-fabrics-bmw-3-series" ["meta_description"]=> string(83) "Moda fabrics to BMW 3 series. Genuine product avaiable in one color. Sold by meter." 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Moda genuine fabrics to BMW 3 series

Products made in Germany Products for BMW Automotive products

Genuine fabric to BMW 3 series.

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric avaiable in limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

Discover our wide range of fabrics and leathers for BMW cars.

" ["description_short"]=> string(102) "

Moda fabrics to BMW 3 series
Genuine product avaiable in one color.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(33) "moda-genuine-fabrics-bmw-3-series" ["meta_description"]=> string(83) "Moda fabrics to BMW 3 series. Genuine product avaiable in one color. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(36) "Moda genuine fabrics to BMW 3 series" ["name"]=> string(36) "Moda genuine fabrics to BMW 3 series" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(6) "171262" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(38) "contemporary-tuning-automotive-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(40) "Contemporary / tuning automotive fabrics" ["link"]=> string(105) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(75.666667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(75.666667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(996) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(8) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(7) "Carrés" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(3) "BMW" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(1) "5" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(4) "Gray" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(4) "Gris" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(8) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(7) "Carrés" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(3) "BMW" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Genuine Perlon Rippe black ribbed fabric for Porsche cars

Genuine Perlon Rippe black ribbed fabric for Porsche cars

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Genuine Perlon Rippe black ribbed fabric for Porsche cars

Products made in Germany

Automotive products

Products for Porsche

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric from an old stock, limited quantity.

You don't find the fabric of your vehicle ? Contact us !

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Other Porsche products avaiable on Tissens.

" ["description_short"]=> string(120) "Genuine Perlon Rippe black ribbed fabric for Porsche cars
Velvet fabric for Porsche from 1972.
Sold by meter." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(48) "genuine-perlon-rippe-black-ribbed-fabric-porsche" ["meta_description"]=> string(100) "Limited quantities for this Genuine Perlon Rippe black ribbed fabric for all Porsche cars from 1972." 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Genuine Perlon Rippe black ribbed fabric for Porsche cars

Products made in Germany

Automotive products

Products for Porsche

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric from an old stock, limited quantity.

You don't find the fabric of your vehicle ? Contact us !

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Other Porsche products avaiable on Tissens.

" ["description_short"]=> string(120) "Genuine Perlon Rippe black ribbed fabric for Porsche cars
Velvet fabric for Porsche from 1972.
Sold by meter." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(48) "genuine-perlon-rippe-black-ribbed-fabric-porsche" ["meta_description"]=> string(100) "Limited quantities for this Genuine Perlon Rippe black ribbed fabric for all Porsche cars from 1972." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(73) "Genuine Perlon Rippe black ribbed fabric for Porsche cars CARRERA 928 968" ["name"]=> string(57) "Genuine Perlon Rippe black ribbed fabric for Porsche cars" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(6) "139336" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(111) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(91.666667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(91.666667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(997) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(8) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(7) "Rayures" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(7) "Porsche" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(2) "11" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(5) "Black" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(12) "Perlon Rippe" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(8) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(7) "Rayures" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(7) "Porsche" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Genuine yellow fabric for Opel GT Manta Kadett

Genuine yellow fabric for Vauxhall Opel GT Manta Kadett

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Utilisation Automobile logo_opel.jpg

Genuine stripes fabric for Vauxhall Opel GT, Opel Manta and Opel Kadett

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric from an old stock, limited quantity.

Other fabrics and accessories avaiable for Opel cars.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

" ["description_short"]=> string(92) "Genuine Vauxhall Opel GT, Opel Manta and Opel Kadett automotive fabric.
Sold by meter." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(44) "genuine-fabric-vauxhall-opel-gt-manta-kadett" ["meta_description"]=> string(90) "Genuine Vauxhall Opel GT and Opel Manta and Opel Kadett automotive fabric. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(66) "Genuine fabric for Vauxhall Opel GT and Opel Manta and Opel Kadett" ["name"]=> string(55) "Genuine yellow fabric for Vauxhall Opel GT Manta Kadett" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(1) "0" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(107) "" ["attribute_price"]=> int(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(191.666667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(191.666667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> array(0) { } ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(996) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(7) { [0]=> array(3) { 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Utilisation Automobile logo_opel.jpg

Genuine stripes fabric for Vauxhall Opel GT, Opel Manta and Opel Kadett

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric from an old stock, limited quantity.

Other fabrics and accessories avaiable for Opel cars.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

" ["description_short"]=> string(92) "Genuine Vauxhall Opel GT, Opel Manta and Opel Kadett automotive fabric.
Sold by meter." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(44) "genuine-fabric-vauxhall-opel-gt-manta-kadett" ["meta_description"]=> string(90) "Genuine Vauxhall Opel GT and Opel Manta and Opel Kadett automotive fabric. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(66) "Genuine fabric for Vauxhall Opel GT and Opel Manta and Opel Kadett" ["name"]=> string(55) "Genuine yellow fabric for Vauxhall Opel GT Manta Kadett" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(1) "0" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(107) "" ["attribute_price"]=> int(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(191.666667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(191.666667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> array(0) { } ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(996) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(7) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(4) "Opel" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(7) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(4) "Opel" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Genuine Hahnentritt fabric for Porsche cars

Genuine Hahnentritt fabric for Porsche cars

array(134) { ["id_product"]=> string(4) "3603" ["id_supplier"]=> string(2) "31" ["id_manufacturer"]=> string(2) "39" ["id_category_default"]=> string(3) "134" ["id_shop_default"]=> string(1) "1" ["id_tax_rules_group"]=> string(2) "28" ["on_sale"]=> string(1) "0" ["online_only"]=> string(1) "0" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax"]=> array(3) { ["value"]=> string(7) "€0.00" ["amount"]=> string(8) "0.000000" ["rate"]=> float(0) } ["quantity"]=> int(999) ["minimal_quantity"]=> string(1) "1" ["low_stock_threshold"]=> NULL ["low_stock_alert"]=> string(1) "0" ["price"]=> string(9) "€158.33" ["wholesale_price"]=> string(9) "80.000000" ["unity"]=> string(0) "" ["unit_price_ratio"]=> string(8) "0.000000" ["additional_shipping_cost"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["reference"]=> string(11) "Hahnentritt" ["supplier_reference"]=> string(0) "" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["width"]=> string(8) "1.400000" ["height"]=> string(8) "0.100000" ["depth"]=> string(8) "0.100000" ["weight"]=> string(8) "1.000000" ["out_of_stock"]=> string(1) "2" ["additional_delivery_times"]=> string(1) "1" ["quantity_discount"]=> string(1) "0" ["customizable"]=> string(1) "0" ["uploadable_files"]=> string(1) "0" ["text_fields"]=> string(1) "0" ["active"]=> string(1) "1" ["redirect_type"]=> string(3) "404" ["id_type_redirected"]=> string(1) "0" ["available_for_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["available_date"]=> NULL ["show_condition"]=> string(1) "0" ["condition"]=> bool(false) ["show_price"]=> bool(true) ["indexed"]=> string(1) "1" ["visibility"]=> string(4) "both" ["cache_is_pack"]=> string(1) "0" ["cache_has_attachments"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_virtual"]=> string(1) "0" ["cache_default_attribute"]=> string(6) "102552" ["date_add"]=> string(19) "2016-09-20 18:23:37" ["date_upd"]=> string(19) "2024-04-09 11:38:31" ["advanced_stock_management"]=> string(1) "0" ["pack_stock_type"]=> string(1) "3" ["state"]=> string(1) "1" ["express_shipping"]=> string(1) "0" ["img_thumb"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_gsr"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_msc"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["aimd_dpq"]=> string(1) "1" ["aimd_proportional"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_format"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_fa"]=> string(1) "1" ["aimd_rd"]=> string(7) "1.00000" ["activelinear"]=> string(1) "1" ["activeattrthumb"]=> string(1) "1" ["is_configurated"]=> string(1) "0" ["stockplace"]=> string(0) "" ["id_shop"]=> string(1) "1" ["id_lang"]=> string(1) "3" ["description"]=> string(1843) "

Products made in Germany

Automotive products

Products for Porsche

Genuine Hahnentritt fabric for Porsche cars

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric from an old stock, limited quantity.

You don't find the fabric of your vehicle ? Contact us !

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Other Porsche products avaiable on Tissens.

" ["description_short"]=> string(108) "

Genuine Hahnentritt fabric for Porsche cars
For 911 and 928 models.
Avaiable in 4 colors.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(34) "genuine-hahnentritt-fabric-porsche" ["meta_description"]=> string(113) "Limited quantities for this Genuine Hahnentritt fabric for Porsche cars 911 and 928 models. Avaiable in 4 colors." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(63) "Genuine Hahnentritt fabric for Porsche cars 911 and 928 models." 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Products made in Germany

Automotive products

Products for Porsche

Genuine Hahnentritt fabric for Porsche cars

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric from an old stock, limited quantity.

You don't find the fabric of your vehicle ? Contact us !

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Other Porsche products avaiable on Tissens.

" ["description_short"]=> string(108) "

Genuine Hahnentritt fabric for Porsche cars
For 911 and 928 models.
Avaiable in 4 colors.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(34) "genuine-hahnentritt-fabric-porsche" ["meta_description"]=> string(113) "Limited quantities for this Genuine Hahnentritt fabric for Porsche cars 911 and 928 models. Avaiable in 4 colors." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(63) "Genuine Hahnentritt fabric for Porsche cars 911 and 928 models." ["name"]=> string(43) "Genuine Hahnentritt fabric for Porsche cars" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(6) "102552" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(97) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(158.333333) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(158.333333) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(3994) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(8) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(9) "Faux unis" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(7) "Porsche" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(3) "892" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(9) "Dark blue" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(12) "Bleu foncé " ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(8) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(9) "Faux unis" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(7) "Porsche" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Genuine ARISTA PLAIN Recaro fabric Grey color

Genuine ARISTA PLAIN Recaro fabric

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Genuine ARISTA PLAIN Recaro fabric

Automotive products

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric from an old stock, limited quantity.

You don't find the fabric of your vehicle ? Contact us !

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Discover our wide range of genuine automotive fabrics

" ["description_short"]=> string(73) "Genuine Recaro fabric
Avaiable in 1 colors." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(34) "genuine-arista-plain-recaro-fabric" ["meta_description"]=> string(63) "Genuine Recaro fabric ARISTA PLAIN models Avaiable in 1 colors." 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Genuine ARISTA PLAIN Recaro fabric

Automotive products

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric from an old stock, limited quantity.

You don't find the fabric of your vehicle ? Contact us !

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Discover our wide range of genuine automotive fabrics

" ["description_short"]=> string(73) "Genuine Recaro fabric
Avaiable in 1 colors." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(34) "genuine-arista-plain-recaro-fabric" ["meta_description"]=> string(63) "Genuine Recaro fabric ARISTA PLAIN models Avaiable in 1 colors." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(34) "Genuine ARISTA PLAIN Recaro fabric" ["name"]=> string(34) "Genuine ARISTA PLAIN Recaro fabric" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(6) "226506" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(97) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(91.666667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(91.666667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> array(0) { } ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(998) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(5) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(9) "Universal" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(1) "5" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(4) "Gray" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(4) "Gris" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(5) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(9) "Universal" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Patterns genuine fabrics collection to BMW smoke color

Patterns genuine fabrics collection to BMW

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Patterns genuine fabrics collection to BMW

Products made in Germany Products for BMW Automotive products

Collection of various fabric Patterns BMW usable on different models.

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric avaiable in limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

Discover our wide range of fabrics and leathers for BMW cars.

" ["description_short"]=> string(117) "

Patterns genuine fabrics collection to BMW
Genuine product avaiable in nine colors.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(39) "patterns-genuine-fabrics-collection-bmw" ["meta_description"]=> string(99) "Patterns genuine fabrics collection to BMW. Genuine product avaiable in nine colors. Sold by meter." 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Patterns genuine fabrics collection to BMW

Products made in Germany Products for BMW Automotive products

Collection of various fabric Patterns BMW usable on different models.

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric avaiable in limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

Discover our wide range of fabrics and leathers for BMW cars.

" ["description_short"]=> string(117) "

Patterns genuine fabrics collection to BMW
Genuine product avaiable in nine colors.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(39) "patterns-genuine-fabrics-collection-bmw" ["meta_description"]=> string(99) "Patterns genuine fabrics collection to BMW. Genuine product avaiable in nine colors. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(42) "Patterns genuine fabrics collection to BMW" ["name"]=> string(42) "Patterns genuine fabrics collection to BMW" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(6) "171458" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(102) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(149.166667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(149.166667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(4994) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(7) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "150 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(3) "BMW" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(3) "629" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(6) "Fumée" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(6) "Fumée" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(7) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "150 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(3) "BMW" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Lanterns genuine fabrics to BMW 3 series beige color

Lanterns genuine fabrics to BMW 3 series

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Lanterns genuine fabrics to BMW 3 series

Products made in Germany Products for BMW Automotive products

Genuine fabric to BMW 3 series.

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric avaiable in limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

Discover our wide range of fabrics and leathers for BMW cars.

" ["description_short"]=> string(109) "

Lanterns fabrics to BMW 3 series
Genuine product avaiable in three colors.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(37) "lanterns-genuine-fabrics-bmw-3-series" ["meta_description"]=> string(90) "Lanterns fabrics to BMW 3 series. Genuine product avaiable in three colors. Sold by meter." 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Lanterns genuine fabrics to BMW 3 series

Products made in Germany Products for BMW Automotive products

Genuine fabric to BMW 3 series.

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric avaiable in limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

Discover our wide range of fabrics and leathers for BMW cars.

" ["description_short"]=> string(109) "

Lanterns fabrics to BMW 3 series
Genuine product avaiable in three colors.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(37) "lanterns-genuine-fabrics-bmw-3-series" ["meta_description"]=> string(90) "Lanterns fabrics to BMW 3 series. Genuine product avaiable in three colors. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(40) "Lanterns genuine fabrics to BMW 3 series" ["name"]=> string(40) "Lanterns genuine fabrics to BMW 3 series" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(6) "171282" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(100) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(75.666667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(75.666667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(2996) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(8) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(13) "Géométrique" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(3) "BMW" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(1) "7" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(5) "Beige" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(5) "Beige" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(8) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(13) "Géométrique" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(3) "BMW" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

 Automotive microfibre fabric on 9 mm foam

Automotive microfibre fabric on 9 mm foam

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Utilisation automobile  

Original Automotive microfibre fabric on 9 mm foam

Automotive microfibre fabric on 9 mm foam, ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Other automotive fabrics avaiable on Tissens.

" ["description_short"]=> string(108) "

Automotive microfibre fabric on 9 mm foam
Avaiable in one color.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(40) "automotive-microfibre-fabric-on-9mm-foam" ["meta_description"]=> string(79) "Automotive microfibre fabric on 9 mm foam Avaiable in one color. Sold by meter." 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Utilisation automobile  

Original Automotive microfibre fabric on 9 mm foam

Automotive microfibre fabric on 9 mm foam, ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Other automotive fabrics avaiable on Tissens.

" ["description_short"]=> string(108) "

Automotive microfibre fabric on 9 mm foam
Avaiable in one color.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(40) "automotive-microfibre-fabric-on-9mm-foam" ["meta_description"]=> string(79) "Automotive microfibre fabric on 9 mm foam Avaiable in one color. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(41) "Automotive microfibre fabric on 9 mm foam" ["name"]=> string(41) "Automotive microfibre fabric on 9 mm foam" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(6) "145288" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(38) "contemporary-tuning-automotive-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(40) "Contemporary / tuning automotive fabrics" ["link"]=> string(112) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(58.333333) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(58.333333) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> array(0) { } ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(998) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(8) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "150 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(12) "Plain fabric" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(9) "Universal" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(2) "26" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(10) "Anthracite" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(10) "Anthracite" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(8) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "150 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(12) "Plain fabric" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(9) "Universal" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

SAAB 9.3 Nemo automotive genuine fabric

SAAB 9.3 Nemo automotive genuine fabric

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Genuine Nemo fabric to Saab 9.3

logo_saab.jpg Automotive products

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Other Saab fabrics and accessories also avaiable.

Genuine fabric from an old stock, limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

" ["description_short"]=> string(104) "

Genuine SAAB 9.3 automotive fabric.
Avaiable in one color.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(38) "saab-93-nemo-automotive-genuine-fabric" ["meta_description"]=> string(73) "Genuine SAAB 9.3 automotive fabric. Avaiable in one color. Sold by meter." 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Genuine Nemo fabric to Saab 9.3

logo_saab.jpg Automotive products

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Other Saab fabrics and accessories also avaiable.

Genuine fabric from an old stock, limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

" ["description_short"]=> string(104) "

Genuine SAAB 9.3 automotive fabric.
Avaiable in one color.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(38) "saab-93-nemo-automotive-genuine-fabric" ["meta_description"]=> string(73) "Genuine SAAB 9.3 automotive fabric. Avaiable in one color. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(39) "SAAB 9.3 Nemo automotive genuine fabric" ["name"]=> string(39) "SAAB 9.3 Nemo automotive genuine fabric" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(1) "0" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(101) "" ["attribute_price"]=> int(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(65) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(65) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(0) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(7) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(9) "Faux unis" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(4) "Saab" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(7) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(9) "Faux unis" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(4) "Saab" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Multicolor fabric for Mercedes vehicle

Multicolor fabric for Mercedes vehicle

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Genuine fabric for Mercedes vehicle.

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Other Mercedes fabric available.

You don't find the fabric of your vehicle ? Contact us !

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things." ["description_short"]=> string(81) "Multicolor fabric for Mercedes vehicle.
Genuine quality.
Sold by meter." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(38) "multicolor-fabric-for-mercedes-vehicle" ["meta_description"]=> string(71) "Multicolor fabric for Mercedes vehicle. Genuine quality. Sold by meter." 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Genuine fabric for Mercedes vehicle.

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Other Mercedes fabric available.

You don't find the fabric of your vehicle ? Contact us !

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things." ["description_short"]=> string(81) "Multicolor fabric for Mercedes vehicle.
Genuine quality.
Sold by meter." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(38) "multicolor-fabric-for-mercedes-vehicle" ["meta_description"]=> string(71) "Multicolor fabric for Mercedes vehicle. Genuine quality. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(38) "Multicolor fabric for Mercedes vehicle" ["name"]=> string(38) "Multicolor fabric for Mercedes vehicle" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(5) "83520" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(32) "skaileatherettetechnical-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(34) "Skai/Leatherette/Technical fabrics" ["link"]=> string(104) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(80.833333) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(80.833333) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(999) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(8) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "160 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(7) "Zig-zag" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(8) "Mercedes" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(2) { [30]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(3) "362" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(2) "30" ["name"]=> string(8) "Mercedes" ["group"]=> string(15) "Make of Vehicle" ["reference"]=> string(13) "Mercedes-1586" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(4) "1005" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(7) "Multico" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(13) "Mercedes-1586" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(8) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "160 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(7) "Zig-zag" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(8) "Mercedes" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Recaro velvet fabric for Opel Manta

Recaro velvet plain fabric for Opel Manta

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Utilisation Automobile  logo_opel.jpg

Recaro velvet plain fabric for Opel Manta

Recaro plain velvet fabric with the Opel Manta seat side parts.
Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

We also offer the Opel branded Recaro central fabric.

Other fabrics and accessories avaiable for Opel cars.

Recaro velvet plain fabric for Opel Manta

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

" ["description_short"]=> string(88) "

Recaro velvet plain fabric for Opel Manta.
Width 140 cm.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(37) "recaro-velvet-plain-fabric-opel-manta" ["meta_description"]=> string(71) "Recaro velvet plain fabric for Opel Manta. Width 140 cm. Sold by meter." 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Utilisation Automobile  logo_opel.jpg

Recaro velvet plain fabric for Opel Manta

Recaro plain velvet fabric with the Opel Manta seat side parts.
Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

We also offer the Opel branded Recaro central fabric.

Other fabrics and accessories avaiable for Opel cars.

Recaro velvet plain fabric for Opel Manta

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

" ["description_short"]=> string(88) "

Recaro velvet plain fabric for Opel Manta.
Width 140 cm.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(37) "recaro-velvet-plain-fabric-opel-manta" ["meta_description"]=> string(71) "Recaro velvet plain fabric for Opel Manta. Width 140 cm. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(41) "Recaro velvet plain fabric for Opel Manta" ["name"]=> string(41) "Recaro velvet plain fabric for Opel Manta" ["available_now"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 3 to 5 days" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "1" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(1) "0" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(101) "" ["attribute_price"]=> int(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(133.333333) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(133.333333) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(999) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(7) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(4) "Opel" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(7) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(4) "Opel" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Recaro fabric branded for Opel Manta

Recaro fabric branded for Opel Manta

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Utilisation Automobile  logo_opel.jpg

Recaro fabric branded for Opel Manta

Recaro fabric with the Opel logo for Manta.
Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.
With 1 meter you can make 2 seats.

We also offer plain side velvet.

Other fabrics and accessories avaiable for Opel cars.

Recaro fabric branded for Opel Manta

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

" ["description_short"]=> string(83) "

Recaro fabric branded for Opel Manta.
Width 143 cm.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(32) "recaro-fabric-branded-opel-manta" ["meta_description"]=> string(66) "Recaro fabric branded for Opel Manta. Width 143 cm. Sold by meter." 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Utilisation Automobile  logo_opel.jpg

Recaro fabric branded for Opel Manta

Recaro fabric with the Opel logo for Manta.
Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.
With 1 meter you can make 2 seats.

We also offer plain side velvet.

Other fabrics and accessories avaiable for Opel cars.

Recaro fabric branded for Opel Manta

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

" ["description_short"]=> string(83) "

Recaro fabric branded for Opel Manta.
Width 143 cm.
Sold by meter.

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Fabric for BMW Alpina B10 E34

Fabric for BMW Alpina B10 E34

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Products made in Germany Products for BMW Automotive products

Fabric for BMW Alpina B10 E34

Fabric for BMW Alpina B10 E34.
Ideal for covering your seats.
Other Alpina fabrics also avaiable

Genuine quality like original.

Fabric for BMW Alpina

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Discover our wide range of fabrics and leathers for BMW cars.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

" ["description_short"]=> string(119) "

Fabric for BMW Alpina B10 E34
Genuine quality avaiable in one color.
Width 140 cm.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(25) "fabric-bmw-alpina-b10-e34" ["meta_description"]=> string(84) "Fabric for BMW Alpina B10 E34. Genuine quality avaiable in one color. Sold by meter." 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Products made in Germany Products for BMW Automotive products

Fabric for BMW Alpina B10 E34

Fabric for BMW Alpina B10 E34.
Ideal for covering your seats.
Other Alpina fabrics also avaiable

Genuine quality like original.

Fabric for BMW Alpina

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Discover our wide range of fabrics and leathers for BMW cars.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

" ["description_short"]=> string(119) "

Fabric for BMW Alpina B10 E34
Genuine quality avaiable in one color.
Width 140 cm.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(25) "fabric-bmw-alpina-b10-e34" ["meta_description"]=> string(84) "Fabric for BMW Alpina B10 E34. Genuine quality avaiable in one color. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(29) "Fabric for BMW Alpina B10 E34" ["name"]=> string(29) "Fabric for BMW Alpina B10 E34" ["available_now"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(1) "0" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(89) "" ["attribute_price"]=> int(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(116.666667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(116.666667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(999) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(8) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(7) "Rayures" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(3) "BMW" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(8) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(7) "Rayures" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(3) "BMW" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

SAAB automotive genuine velvet fabric

SAAB automotive genuine velvet fabric

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logo_saab.jpg Automotive products

Genuine velvet fabric to Saab

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Other Saab fabrics and accessories also avaiable.

Genuine fabric from an old stock, limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

" ["description_short"]=> string(106) "

Genuine SAAB automotive velvet fabric.
Avaiable in one color.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(37) "saab-automotive-genuine-velvet-fabric" ["meta_description"]=> string(77) "GSAAB automotive genuine velvet fabric. Avaiable in one color. Sold by meter." 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logo_saab.jpg Automotive products

Genuine velvet fabric to Saab

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Other Saab fabrics and accessories also avaiable.

Genuine fabric from an old stock, limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

" ["description_short"]=> string(106) "

Genuine SAAB automotive velvet fabric.
Avaiable in one color.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(37) "saab-automotive-genuine-velvet-fabric" ["meta_description"]=> string(77) "GSAAB automotive genuine velvet fabric. Avaiable in one color. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(37) "SAAB automotive genuine velvet fabric" ["name"]=> string(37) "SAAB automotive genuine velvet fabric" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(1) "0" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(101) "" ["attribute_price"]=> int(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(100) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(100) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(999) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(7) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(12) "Plain fabric" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(4) "Saab" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(7) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(12) "Plain fabric" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(4) "Saab" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

SAAB 9.3 and 9.5 Arena automotive genuine fabric

SAAB 9.3 and 9.5 Arena automotive genuine fabric

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logo_saab.jpg Automotive products

Genuine Arena fabric to Saab 9.3 and 9.5

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Other Saab fabrics and accessories also avaiable.

Genuine fabric from an old stock, limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

" ["description_short"]=> string(117) "

Genuine SAAB 9.3 and 9.5 automotive Arena fabric.
Avaiable in one color.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(46) "saab-93-and-95-arena-automotive-genuine-fabric" ["meta_description"]=> string(87) "SAAB 9.3 and 9.5 Arena automotive genuine fabric. Avaiable in one color. Sold by meter." 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logo_saab.jpg Automotive products

Genuine Arena fabric to Saab 9.3 and 9.5

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Other Saab fabrics and accessories also avaiable.

Genuine fabric from an old stock, limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

" ["description_short"]=> string(117) "

Genuine SAAB 9.3 and 9.5 automotive Arena fabric.
Avaiable in one color.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(46) "saab-93-and-95-arena-automotive-genuine-fabric" ["meta_description"]=> string(87) "SAAB 9.3 and 9.5 Arena automotive genuine fabric. Avaiable in one color. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(48) "SAAB 9.3 and 9.5 Arena automotive genuine fabric" ["name"]=> string(48) "SAAB 9.3 and 9.5 Arena automotive genuine fabric" ["available_now"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 3 to 5 days" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(1) "0" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(110) "" ["attribute_price"]=> int(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(65) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(65) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(999) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(7) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(9) "Faux unis" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(4) "Saab" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(7) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(9) "Faux unis" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(4) "Saab" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Velvet fabric for BMW Alpina sold by linear meter

Velvet fabric for BMW Alpina

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Velvet fabric for BMW Alpina

Products made in Germany Products for BMW Automotive products

Velvet fabric for BMW Alpina,
Ideal for covering your seats.
Other Alpina fabrics also avaiable

Genuine quality like original.

Velvet fabric for BMW Alpina

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

Discover our wide range of fabrics and leathers for BMW cars.

" ["description_short"]=> string(99) "

Velvet fabric for BMW Alpina
Genuine quality avaiable in one color.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(24) "Velvet-fabric-bmw-alpina" ["meta_description"]=> string(79) "Velvet fabric BMW Alpina. Genuine quality avaiable in one color. Sold by meter." 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Velvet fabric for BMW Alpina

Products made in Germany Products for BMW Automotive products

Velvet fabric for BMW Alpina,
Ideal for covering your seats.
Other Alpina fabrics also avaiable

Genuine quality like original.

Velvet fabric for BMW Alpina

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

Discover our wide range of fabrics and leathers for BMW cars.

" ["description_short"]=> string(99) "

Velvet fabric for BMW Alpina
Genuine quality avaiable in one color.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(24) "Velvet-fabric-bmw-alpina" ["meta_description"]=> string(79) "Velvet fabric BMW Alpina. Genuine quality avaiable in one color. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(24) "Velvet fabric BMW Alpina" ["name"]=> string(28) "Velvet fabric for BMW Alpina" ["available_now"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(1) "0" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(88) "" ["attribute_price"]=> int(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(144.166667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(144.166667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> array(0) { } ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(999) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(8) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(7) "Rayures" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(3) "BMW" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(8) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(7) "Rayures" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(3) "BMW" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Genuine two grey Recaro fabric Grey 123 cm color

Genuine two grey Recaro fabric

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Genuine two grey colors Recaro fabric

Automotive products

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric from an old stock, limited quantity.

You don't find the fabric of your vehicle ? Contact us !

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Discover our wide range of genuine automotive fabrics

" ["description_short"]=> string(63) "Genuine Recaro fabric
Two grey colors
Sold by meters." 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Genuine two grey colors Recaro fabric

Automotive products

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric from an old stock, limited quantity.

You don't find the fabric of your vehicle ? Contact us !

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Discover our wide range of genuine automotive fabrics

" ["description_short"]=> string(63) "Genuine Recaro fabric
Two grey colors
Sold by meters." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(27) "simili-cuir-sirius-griffine" ["meta_description"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(30) "Genuine two grey Recaro fabric" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(6) "226510" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(90) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(191.666667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(191.666667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(999) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(5) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "120 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(9) "Universal" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(1) "5" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(4) "Gray" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(11) "Gris 123 cm" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(5) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "120 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(9) "Universal" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Genuine DAYTONA Recaro fabric Grey blue color

Genuine DAYTONA Recaro fabric

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Genuine DAYTONA Recaro fabric

Automotive products

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric from an old stock, limited quantity.

You don't find the fabric of your vehicle ? Contact us !

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Discover our wide range of genuine automotive fabrics

" ["description_short"]=> string(68) "Genuine Recaro fabric
DAYTONA models
Avaiable in 1 colors." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(29) "genuine-daytona-recaro-fabric" ["meta_description"]=> string(58) "Genuine Recaro fabric DAYTONA models Avaiable in 1 colors." 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Genuine DAYTONA Recaro fabric

Automotive products

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric from an old stock, limited quantity.

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Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Discover our wide range of genuine automotive fabrics

" ["description_short"]=> string(68) "Genuine Recaro fabric
DAYTONA models
Avaiable in 1 colors." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(29) "genuine-daytona-recaro-fabric" ["meta_description"]=> string(58) "Genuine Recaro fabric DAYTONA models Avaiable in 1 colors." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(29) "Genuine DAYTONA Recaro fabric" ["name"]=> string(29) "Genuine DAYTONA Recaro fabric" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(6) "226505" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(92) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(91.666667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(91.666667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> array(0) { } ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(999) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(5) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(9) "Universal" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(4) "5809" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(9) "Gris bleu" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(9) "Gris bleu" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(5) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(9) "Universal" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Pipping cord in PULLMANN Fabric for Mercedes dark green color RAL6015

Pipping cord in PULLMANN Fabric for Mercedes Benz

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Pipping cord in PULLMANN Fabric for Mercedes

Products made in Germany Automotive products Products for Mercedes Benz

Pipping cord in Pullmann fabric for Mercedes Benz cars.
For use in several models of the brand.
Please look at the pictures for dimensions.

The most important choice of pipping cord is only on Tissens.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Discover our fabrics and accessories for Mercedes cars and vans.

" ["description_short"]=> string(91) "Pipping cord in PULLMANN Fabric for Mercedes
Avaiable in 2 colors.
Sold by meter." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(42) "pipping-cord-pullmann-fabric-mercedes-benz" ["meta_description"]=> string(81) "Pipping cord in PULLMANN Fabric for Mercedes Avaiable in 2 colors. Sold by meter." 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Pipping cord in PULLMANN Fabric for Mercedes

Products made in Germany Automotive products Products for Mercedes Benz

Pipping cord in Pullmann fabric for Mercedes Benz cars.
For use in several models of the brand.
Please look at the pictures for dimensions.

The most important choice of pipping cord is only on Tissens.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Discover our fabrics and accessories for Mercedes cars and vans.

" ["description_short"]=> string(91) "Pipping cord in PULLMANN Fabric for Mercedes
Avaiable in 2 colors.
Sold by meter." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(42) "pipping-cord-pullmann-fabric-mercedes-benz" ["meta_description"]=> string(81) "Pipping cord in PULLMANN Fabric for Mercedes Avaiable in 2 colors. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(54) "Pipping cord in PULLMANN Fabric for Mercedes Benz cars" ["name"]=> string(49) "Pipping cord in PULLMANN Fabric for Mercedes Benz" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(6) "211202" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(20) "bangle-gusset-piping" ["category_name"]=> string(24) "Bangle / Gusset / Piping" ["link"]=> string(96) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(12.416667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(12.416667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(999) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(6) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(8) "Mercedes" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(3) "896" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(10) "Dark green" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(19) "Vert foncé RAL6015" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(6) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(8) "Mercedes" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Genuine Houndstooth fabric for Land Rover

Genuine Houndstooth fabric for Land Rover

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Genuine Houndstooth fabric for Land Rover

Products made in United Kingdom

Automotive products

Products for Land Rover

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric avaiable in limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Discover our wide range of products for Land Rover.

" ["description_short"]=> string(97) "Houndstooth fabric for Land Rover
Genuine fabric avaiable in one colors.
Sold by meter." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(36) "genuine-houndstooth-fabric-landrover" ["meta_description"]=> string(87) "Houndstooth fabric for Land Rover Genuine fabric avaiable in one colors. Sold by meter." 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Genuine Houndstooth fabric for Land Rover

Products made in United Kingdom

Automotive products

Products for Land Rover

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric avaiable in limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Discover our wide range of products for Land Rover.

" ["description_short"]=> string(97) "Houndstooth fabric for Land Rover
Genuine fabric avaiable in one colors.
Sold by meter." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(36) "genuine-houndstooth-fabric-landrover" ["meta_description"]=> string(87) "Houndstooth fabric for Land Rover Genuine fabric avaiable in one colors. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(41) "Genuine Houndstooth fabric for Land Rover" ["name"]=> string(41) "Genuine Houndstooth fabric for Land Rover" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(6) "209479" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(28) "classic-car-old-cars-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(34) "Classic car's and old cars fabrics" ["link"]=> string(98) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(141.666667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(141.666667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(999) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(5) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(10) "Angleterre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(10) "Land Rover" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(2) "11" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(5) "Black" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(4) "Noir" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(5) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(10) "Angleterre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(10) "Land Rover" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Diagonals genuine fabrics collection to BMW dark blue fabric

Diagonals genuine fabrics collection to BMW

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Diagonals genuine fabrics collection to BMW

Products made in Germany Products for BMW Automotive products

Collection of various fabric diagonals BMW usable on different models.

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric avaiable in limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

Discover our wide range of fabrics and leathers for BMW cars.

" ["description_short"]=> string(110) "Diagonals genuine fabrics collection to BMW
Genuine product avaiable in two colors.
Sold by meter." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(40) "diagonals-genuine-fabrics-collection-bmw" ["meta_description"]=> string(99) "Diagonals genuine fabrics collection to BMW. Genuine product avaiable in two colors. Sold by meter." 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Diagonals genuine fabrics collection to BMW

Products made in Germany Products for BMW Automotive products

Collection of various fabric diagonals BMW usable on different models.

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric avaiable in limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

Discover our wide range of fabrics and leathers for BMW cars.

" ["description_short"]=> string(110) "Diagonals genuine fabrics collection to BMW
Genuine product avaiable in two colors.
Sold by meter." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(40) "diagonals-genuine-fabrics-collection-bmw" ["meta_description"]=> string(99) "Diagonals genuine fabrics collection to BMW. Genuine product avaiable in two colors. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(43) "Diagonals genuine fabrics collection to BMW" ["name"]=> string(43) "Diagonals genuine fabrics collection to BMW" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(6) "171452" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(103) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(157.5) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(157.5) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(999) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(8) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "150 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(8) "DIagonal" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(3) "BMW" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(3) "892" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(9) "Dark blue" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(11) "Bleu foncé" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(8) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "150 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(8) "DIagonal" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(3) "BMW" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Pucci genuine fabrics to BMW 3 series petrol color

Pucci genuine fabrics to BMW 3 series

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Pucci genuine fabrics to BMW 3 series

Products made in Germany Products for BMW Automotive products

Genuine fabric to BMW 3 series.

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric avaiable in limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

Discover our wide range of fabrics and leathers for BMW cars.

" ["description_short"]=> string(104) "

Pucci fabrics to BMW 3 series
Genuine product avaiable in two colors.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(34) "pucci-genuine-fabrics-bmw-3-series" ["meta_description"]=> string(85) "Pucci fabrics to BMW 3 series. Genuine product avaiable in two colors. Sold by meter." 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Pucci genuine fabrics to BMW 3 series

Products made in Germany Products for BMW Automotive products

Genuine fabric to BMW 3 series.

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Genuine fabric avaiable in limited quantity.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

A doubt ? A question ? Please contact us !

Discover our wide range of fabrics and leathers for BMW cars.

" ["description_short"]=> string(104) "

Pucci fabrics to BMW 3 series
Genuine product avaiable in two colors.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(34) "pucci-genuine-fabrics-bmw-3-series" ["meta_description"]=> string(85) "Pucci fabrics to BMW 3 series. Genuine product avaiable in two colors. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(37) "Pucci genuine fabrics to BMW 3 series" ["name"]=> string(37) "Pucci genuine fabrics to BMW 3 series" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(6) "171245" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(38) "contemporary-tuning-automotive-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(40) "Contemporary / tuning automotive fabrics" ["link"]=> string(106) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(91.666667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(91.666667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(999) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(8) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(13) "Géométrique" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(3) "BMW" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(3) "372" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(6) "Petrol" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(7) "Petrole" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(8) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(13) "Géométrique" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(3) "BMW" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Original SCRIPT fabric Porsche sigle

Original SCRIPT Porsche sigle

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Original SCRIPT fabric to Porsche

Products made in Germany

Automotive products

Products for Porsche

Automotive fabric for Porsche, ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

You don't find the fabric of your vehicle ? Contact us !

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Other Porsche products avaiable on Tissens.

" ["description_short"]=> string(141) "

Original SCRIPT Porsche fabric.
Avaiable in two colors.
Limited quantity.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(30) "original-script-fabric-porsche" ["meta_description"]=> string(88) "Original SCRIPT Porsche fabric. Avaiable in two colors. Limited quantity. Sold by meter." 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Original SCRIPT fabric to Porsche

Products made in Germany

Automotive products

Products for Porsche

Automotive fabric for Porsche, ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

You don't find the fabric of your vehicle ? Contact us !

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Other Porsche products avaiable on Tissens.

" ["description_short"]=> string(141) "

Original SCRIPT Porsche fabric.
Avaiable in two colors.
Limited quantity.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(30) "original-script-fabric-porsche" ["meta_description"]=> string(88) "Original SCRIPT Porsche fabric. Avaiable in two colors. Limited quantity. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(36) "Original SCRIPT fabric Porsche sigle" ["name"]=> string(29) "Original SCRIPT Porsche sigle" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(6) "216633" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(93) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(208.333333) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(208.333333) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> array(0) { } ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(999) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(8) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(9) "Faux unis" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(7) "Porsche" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(2) "11" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(5) "Black" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(4) "Noir" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(8) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(9) "Faux unis" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(7) "Porsche" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

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