Skai/Leatherette/Technical fabrics

Skai/Leatherette/Technical fabrics

There are 1517 products.

Showing 121-144 of 1517 item(s)

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Vinyl Underlay on automobile trunk mat

Vinyl Underlay on automobile trunk mat

array(134) { ["id_product"]=> string(4) "3196" ["id_supplier"]=> string(1) "9" ["id_manufacturer"]=> string(2) "39" ["id_category_default"]=> string(3) "131" ["id_shop_default"]=> string(1) "1" ["id_tax_rules_group"]=> string(2) "28" ["on_sale"]=> string(1) "0" ["online_only"]=> string(1) "0" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax"]=> array(3) { ["value"]=> string(7) "€0.00" ["amount"]=> string(8) "0.000000" ["rate"]=> float(0) } ["quantity"]=> int(995) ["minimal_quantity"]=> string(1) "1" ["low_stock_threshold"]=> NULL ["low_stock_alert"]=> string(1) "0" ["price"]=> string(8) "€60.00" ["wholesale_price"]=> string(9) "29.000000" ["unity"]=> string(0) "" ["unit_price_ratio"]=> string(8) "0.000000" ["additional_shipping_cost"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["reference"]=> string(3) "VTA" ["supplier_reference"]=> string(0) "" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["width"]=> string(9) "20.000000" ["height"]=> string(9) "20.000000" ["depth"]=> string(10) "150.000000" ["weight"]=> string(8) "1.000000" ["out_of_stock"]=> string(1) "2" ["additional_delivery_times"]=> string(1) "1" ["quantity_discount"]=> string(1) "0" ["customizable"]=> string(1) "0" ["uploadable_files"]=> string(1) "0" ["text_fields"]=> string(1) "0" ["active"]=> string(1) "1" ["redirect_type"]=> string(3) "404" ["id_type_redirected"]=> string(1) "0" ["available_for_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["available_date"]=> NULL ["show_condition"]=> string(1) "0" ["condition"]=> bool(false) ["show_price"]=> bool(true) ["indexed"]=> string(1) "1" ["visibility"]=> string(4) "both" ["cache_is_pack"]=> string(1) "0" ["cache_has_attachments"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_virtual"]=> string(1) "0" ["cache_default_attribute"]=> string(5) "94666" ["date_add"]=> string(19) "2016-07-06 17:14:03" ["date_upd"]=> string(19) "2024-06-20 13:44:16" ["advanced_stock_management"]=> string(1) "0" ["pack_stock_type"]=> string(1) "3" ["state"]=> string(1) "1" ["express_shipping"]=> string(1) "0" ["img_thumb"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_gsr"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_msc"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["aimd_dpq"]=> string(1) "1" ["aimd_proportional"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_format"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_fa"]=> string(1) "1" ["aimd_rd"]=> string(7) "1.00000" ["activelinear"]=> string(1) "1" ["activeattrthumb"]=> string(1) "1" ["is_configurated"]=> string(1) "0" ["stockplace"]=> string(0) "" ["id_shop"]=> string(1) "1" ["id_lang"]=> string(1) "3" ["description"]=> string(401) "

The description of this product is not yet available in English.

You can use the integrated translator in your web browser or switch to French using the function available at the top of the page.

We are at your service by email for any question or translation by clicking here.

Thank you

" ["description_short"]=> string(0) "" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(38) "vinyl-underlay-on-automobile-trunk-mat" ["meta_description"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(38) "Vinyl Underlay on automobile trunk mat" ["name"]=> string(38) "Vinyl Underlay on automobile trunk mat" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(5) "94666" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(34) "automotive-carpet-and-car-flooring" ["category_name"]=> string(34) "Automotive carpet and car flooring" ["link"]=> string(106) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(60) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(60) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) 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string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(2) "11" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(5) "Black" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(8) "VTA/Noir" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> string(0) "" ["id"]=> string(4) "3196" ["weight_unit"]=> string(2) "kg" ["images"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(9) { ["bySize"]=> array(6) { ["cart_default"]=> array(3) { ["url"]=> string(81) "" ["width"]=> int(90) ["height"]=> int(90) } ["small_default"]=> array(3) { ["url"]=> string(82) "" ["width"]=> int(98) ["height"]=> int(98) } ["search_default"]=> 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["url"]=> string(129) "" ["canonical_url"]=> string(106) "" ["has_discount"]=> bool(false) ["discount_type"]=> NULL ["discount_percentage"]=> NULL ["discount_percentage_absolute"]=> NULL ["discount_amount"]=> NULL ["discount_amount_to_display"]=> NULL ["price_amount"]=> float(60) ["regular_price_amount"]=> float(60) ["regular_price"]=> string(8) "€60.00" ["discount_to_display"]=> NULL ["unit_price_full"]=> string(0) "" ["add_to_cart_url"]=> string(117) "" ["main_variants"]=> array(7) { [0]=> array(8) { ["id_product_attribute"]=> int(94664) ["texture"]=> string(0) "" ["id_product"]=> string(4) "3196" ["name"]=> string(4) "Gray" ["add_to_cart_url"]=> string(117) "" ["url"]=> string(127) "" ["type"]=> string(5) "color" ["html_color_code"]=> string(7) "#AAB2BD" } [1]=> array(8) { ["id_product_attribute"]=> int(94667) ["texture"]=> string(0) "" ["id_product"]=> string(4) "3196" ["name"]=> string(3) "Red" ["add_to_cart_url"]=> string(117) "" ["url"]=> string(127) "" ["type"]=> string(5) "color" ["html_color_code"]=> string(7) "#E84C3D" } [2]=> array(8) { ["id_product_attribute"]=> int(94666) ["texture"]=> string(0) "" ["id_product"]=> string(4) "3196" ["name"]=> string(5) "Black" ["add_to_cart_url"]=> string(117) "" ["url"]=> string(129) "" ["type"]=> string(5) "color" ["html_color_code"]=> string(7) "#000000" } [3]=> array(8) { ["id_product_attribute"]=> int(94668) ["texture"]=> string(0) "" ["id_product"]=> string(4) "3196" ["name"]=> string(5) "Green" ["add_to_cart_url"]=> string(117) "" ["url"]=> string(129) "" ["type"]=> string(5) "color" ["html_color_code"]=> string(7) "#A0D468" } [4]=> array(8) { ["id_product_attribute"]=> int(94663) ["texture"]=> string(0) "" ["id_product"]=> string(4) "3196" ["name"]=> string(8) "Cinnamon" ["add_to_cart_url"]=> string(117) "" ["url"]=> string(132) "" ["type"]=> string(5) "color" ["html_color_code"]=> string(7) "#b99052" } [5]=> array(8) { ["id_product_attribute"]=> int(94662) ["texture"]=> string(0) "" ["id_product"]=> string(4) "3196" ["name"]=> string(9) "Navy blue" ["add_to_cart_url"]=> string(117) "" ["url"]=> string(133) "" ["type"]=> string(5) "color" ["html_color_code"]=> string(7) "#002f78" } [6]=> array(8) { ["id_product_attribute"]=> int(94661) ["texture"]=> string(0) "" ["id_product"]=> string(4) "3196" ["name"]=> string(7) "Biscuit" ["add_to_cart_url"]=> string(117) "" ["url"]=> string(132) "" ["type"]=> string(5) "color" ["html_color_code"]=> string(7) "#e9cebd" } } ["flags"]=> array(0) { } ["labels"]=> array(2) { ["tax_short"]=> string(11) "(tax incl.)" ["tax_long"]=> string(12) "Tax included" } ["show_availability"]=> bool(true) ["availability_date"]=> NULL ["availability_message"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["availability"]=> string(9) "available" ["delivery_information"]=> string(0) "" ["quantity_discounts"]=> array(0) { } ["reference_to_display"]=> string(8) "VTA/Noir" ["embedded_attributes"]=> array(72) { ["id_product"]=> string(4) "3196" ["id_supplier"]=> string(1) "9" ["id_manufacturer"]=> string(2) "39" ["id_category_default"]=> string(3) "131" ["id_shop_default"]=> string(1) "1" ["on_sale"]=> string(1) "0" ["online_only"]=> string(1) "0" ["ecotax"]=> string(8) "0.000000" ["quantity"]=> int(995) ["minimal_quantity"]=> string(1) "1" ["low_stock_threshold"]=> NULL ["low_stock_alert"]=> string(1) "0" ["price"]=> float(60) ["unity"]=> string(0) "" ["unit_price_ratio"]=> string(8) "0.000000" ["additional_shipping_cost"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["reference"]=> string(3) "VTA" ["out_of_stock"]=> string(1) "2" ["customizable"]=> string(1) "0" ["uploadable_files"]=> string(1) "0" ["text_fields"]=> string(1) "0" ["redirect_type"]=> string(3) "404" ["id_type_redirected"]=> string(1) "0" ["available_for_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["available_date"]=> NULL ["show_condition"]=> string(1) "0" ["condition"]=> string(3) "new" ["show_price"]=> string(1) "1" ["indexed"]=> string(1) "1" ["visibility"]=> string(4) "both" ["is_virtual"]=> string(1) "0" ["cache_default_attribute"]=> string(5) "94666" ["date_add"]=> string(19) "2016-07-06 17:14:03" ["date_upd"]=> string(19) "2024-06-20 13:44:16" ["advanced_stock_management"]=> string(1) "0" ["pack_stock_type"]=> string(1) "3" ["description"]=> string(401) "

The description of this product is not yet available in English.

You can use the integrated translator in your web browser or switch to French using the function available at the top of the page.

We are at your service by email for any question or translation by clicking here.

Thank you

" ["description_short"]=> string(0) "" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(38) "vinyl-underlay-on-automobile-trunk-mat" ["meta_description"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(38) "Vinyl Underlay on automobile trunk mat" ["name"]=> string(38) "Vinyl Underlay on automobile trunk mat" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(5) "94666" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(34) "automotive-carpet-and-car-flooring" ["category_name"]=> string(34) "Automotive carpet and car flooring" ["link"]=> string(106) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(60) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(60) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(6983) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(8) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(17) "Union européenne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(9) "Epaisseur" ["value"]=> string(18) "4 mm (millimètre)" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "26" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(31) "Peut être cousu ou bien collé" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(9) "Universal" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(2) "11" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(5) "Black" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(8) "VTA/Noir" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(8) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(17) "Union européenne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Epaisseur"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(9) "Epaisseur" ["value"]=> string(18) "4 mm (millimètre)" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "26" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(31) "Peut être cousu ou bien collé" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(9) "Universal" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Plastique cristal souple transparent 30/100

Roll of 40 ml of flexible crystal clear plastic 0.20 mm (20/100) on 140 cm wide

array(134) { ["id_product"]=> string(4) "1694" ["id_supplier"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_manufacturer"]=> string(2) "39" ["id_category_default"]=> string(2) "82" ["id_shop_default"]=> string(1) "1" ["id_tax_rules_group"]=> string(2) "28" ["on_sale"]=> string(1) "0" ["online_only"]=> string(1) "0" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax"]=> array(3) { ["value"]=> string(7) "€0.00" ["amount"]=> string(8) "0.000000" ["rate"]=> float(0) } ["quantity"]=> int(978) ["minimal_quantity"]=> string(1) "1" ["low_stock_threshold"]=> NULL ["low_stock_alert"]=> string(1) "0" ["price"]=> string(9) "€130.00" ["wholesale_price"]=> string(9) "55.600000" ["unity"]=> string(0) "" ["unit_price_ratio"]=> string(8) "0.000000" ["additional_shipping_cost"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["reference"]=> string(4) "Ti20" ["supplier_reference"]=> string(0) "" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["width"]=> string(10) "150.000000" ["height"]=> string(9) "20.000000" ["depth"]=> string(9) "20.000000" ["weight"]=> string(9) "20.000000" ["out_of_stock"]=> string(1) "2" ["additional_delivery_times"]=> string(1) "1" ["quantity_discount"]=> string(1) "0" ["customizable"]=> string(1) "0" ["uploadable_files"]=> string(1) "0" ["text_fields"]=> string(1) "0" ["active"]=> string(1) "1" ["redirect_type"]=> string(3) "404" ["id_type_redirected"]=> string(1) "0" ["available_for_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["available_date"]=> string(10) "0000-00-00" ["show_condition"]=> string(1) "0" ["condition"]=> bool(false) ["show_price"]=> bool(true) ["indexed"]=> string(1) "1" ["visibility"]=> string(4) "both" ["cache_is_pack"]=> string(1) "0" ["cache_has_attachments"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_virtual"]=> string(1) "0" ["cache_default_attribute"]=> string(1) "0" ["date_add"]=> string(19) "2015-10-01 18:45:31" ["date_upd"]=> string(19) "2024-06-20 13:44:17" ["advanced_stock_management"]=> string(1) "0" ["pack_stock_type"]=> string(1) "3" ["state"]=> string(1) "1" ["express_shipping"]=> string(1) "0" ["img_thumb"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_gsr"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_msc"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["aimd_dpq"]=> string(1) "1" ["aimd_proportional"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_format"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_fa"]=> string(1) "1" ["aimd_rd"]=> string(7) "1.00000" ["activelinear"]=> string(1) "0" ["activeattrthumb"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_configurated"]=> string(1) "0" ["stockplace"]=> string(0) "" ["id_shop"]=> string(1) "1" ["id_lang"]=> string(1) "3" ["description"]=> string(1245) "


Roll of 60 ml of flexible crystal clear plastic 0.20mm (20/100) on 140 cm wide

Flexible clear plastic PVC
Sold in rolls of 40 linear metres and 140 cm wide.

The CRISTAL with a thickness of 0,20 mm can be used for making protective covers, tableclothes, clothes, or any other need that requires flexibility.

Meets the requirements for use in food contact applications.

The 0.20 mm PVC is easily workable : it may be fused, sewn by hand or with a simple sewing machine and can be cut with a cutter or a pair of scissors.

Note : because of its size this product is deliverable only by DPD carrir (Chronopost / DHL type)
In stock, shiping within 24h, delivered within 24/48h.

Also Available in M2 fireproof version, marine, as well as in other widths.

" ["description_short"]=> string(123) "Flexible clear plastic PVC
Thickness 20/100 equivalent to 0,20 mm.
Roll of 40 ml.
Width 140 cm." 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Roll of 60 ml of flexible crystal clear plastic 0.20mm (20/100) on 140 cm wide

Flexible clear plastic PVC
Sold in rolls of 40 linear metres and 140 cm wide.

The CRISTAL with a thickness of 0,20 mm can be used for making protective covers, tableclothes, clothes, or any other need that requires flexibility.

Meets the requirements for use in food contact applications.

The 0.20 mm PVC is easily workable : it may be fused, sewn by hand or with a simple sewing machine and can be cut with a cutter or a pair of scissors.

Note : because of its size this product is deliverable only by DPD carrir (Chronopost / DHL type)
In stock, shiping within 24h, delivered within 24/48h.

Also Available in M2 fireproof version, marine, as well as in other widths.

" ["description_short"]=> string(123) "Flexible clear plastic PVC
Thickness 20/100 equivalent to 0,20 mm.
Roll of 40 ml.
Width 140 cm." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(42) "plastique-cristal-souple-transparent-30100" ["meta_description"]=> string(79) "Roll of 40 ml of flexible crystal clear plastic 0.20 mm (20/100) on 140 cm wide" ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(79) "Roll of 40 ml of flexible crystal clear plastic 0.20 mm (20/100) on 140 cm wide" ["name"]=> string(79) "Roll of 40 ml of flexible crystal clear plastic 0.20 mm (20/100) on 140 cm wide" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(1) "0" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(36) "soft-transparent-crystal-pvc-plastic" ["category_name"]=> string(36) "Soft transparent crystal PVC plastic" ["link"]=> string(112) "" ["attribute_price"]=> int(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(130) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(130) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> array(0) { } ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(978) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(10) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Compositions" ["value"]=> string(3) "PVC" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "5" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(17) "Roll of 40 meters" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(6) "France" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Properties" ["value"]=> string(42) "Sans Phtalates ( idéal pour les enfants )" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "7" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(8) "All uses" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(13) "Norme non feu" ["value"]=> string(52) "Non (version non feu M2 disponible dans la boutique)" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "11" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(8) "Cleaning" ["value"]=> string(19) "Se nettoie à l'eau" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "22" } [8]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(9) "Epaisseur" ["value"]=> string(20) "0.2 mm (millimètre)" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "26" } [9]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Couleur" ["value"]=> string(11) "Transparent" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "39" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(10) { ["Compositions"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Compositions" ["value"]=> string(3) "PVC" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "5" } ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(17) "Roll of 40 meters" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(6) "France" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Properties"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Properties" ["value"]=> string(42) "Sans Phtalates ( idéal pour les enfants )" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "7" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(8) "All uses" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Norme non feu"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(13) "Norme non feu" ["value"]=> string(52) "Non (version non feu M2 disponible dans la boutique)" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "11" } ["Cleaning"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(8) "Cleaning" ["value"]=> string(19) "Se nettoie à l'eau" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "22" } ["Epaisseur"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(9) "Epaisseur" ["value"]=> string(20) "0.2 mm (millimètre)" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "26" } ["Couleur"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Couleur" ["value"]=> string(11) "Transparent" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "39" } } }

Automotive fabric Pied de Poule

Automotive fabric Pied de Poule

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Utilisation automobile 

Automotive fabric "Pied de Poule" for Citroen, Opel, Triumph, Porsche, etc
Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTAC, automotive foams, automotive carpets, roof skies, and many other things.

" ["description_short"]=> string(99) "

Automotive fabric Pied de Poule for Citroen, Opel, Triumph, Porsche, etc
Sold by meter.

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Utilisation automobile 

Automotive fabric "Pied de Poule" for Citroen, Opel, Triumph, Porsche, etc
Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTAC, automotive foams, automotive carpets, roof skies, and many other things.

" ["description_short"]=> string(99) "

Automotive fabric Pied de Poule for Citroen, Opel, Triumph, Porsche, etc
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(31) "automotive-fabric-pied-de-poule" ["meta_description"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(31) "Automotive fabric Pied de Poule" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(1) "0" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(28) "classic-car-old-cars-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(34) "Classic car's and old cars fabrics" ["link"]=> string(93) "" ["attribute_price"]=> int(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(91.666667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(91.666667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(956) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(6) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(6) "France" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(13) "Géométrique" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(6) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(6) "France" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(13) "Géométrique" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } } }

Wool velvet fabric for bus Damia model - Red

Wool velvet fabric for bus Damia model

array(134) { ["id_product"]=> string(3) "881" ["id_supplier"]=> string(1) "6" ["id_manufacturer"]=> string(2) "39" ["id_category_default"]=> string(3) "143" ["id_shop_default"]=> string(1) "1" ["id_tax_rules_group"]=> string(2) "28" ["on_sale"]=> string(1) "0" ["online_only"]=> string(1) "0" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax"]=> array(3) { ["value"]=> string(7) "€0.00" ["amount"]=> string(8) "0.000000" ["rate"]=> float(0) } ["quantity"]=> int(999) ["minimal_quantity"]=> string(1) "1" ["low_stock_threshold"]=> NULL ["low_stock_alert"]=> string(1) "0" ["price"]=> string(9) "€116.67" ["wholesale_price"]=> string(9) "60.940000" ["unity"]=> string(0) "" ["unit_price_ratio"]=> string(8) "0.000000" ["additional_shipping_cost"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["reference"]=> string(5) "Damia" ["supplier_reference"]=> string(0) "" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["width"]=> string(9) "20.000000" ["height"]=> string(9) "20.000000" ["depth"]=> string(9) "50.000000" ["weight"]=> string(8) "1.000000" ["out_of_stock"]=> string(1) "2" ["additional_delivery_times"]=> string(1) "1" ["quantity_discount"]=> string(1) "0" ["customizable"]=> string(1) "0" ["uploadable_files"]=> string(1) "0" ["text_fields"]=> string(1) "0" ["active"]=> string(1) "1" ["redirect_type"]=> string(3) "404" ["id_type_redirected"]=> string(1) "0" ["available_for_order"]=> string(1) "0" ["available_date"]=> NULL ["show_condition"]=> string(1) "0" ["condition"]=> bool(false) ["show_price"]=> bool(true) ["indexed"]=> string(1) "1" ["visibility"]=> string(4) "both" ["cache_is_pack"]=> string(1) "0" ["cache_has_attachments"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_virtual"]=> string(1) "0" ["cache_default_attribute"]=> string(5) "15248" ["date_add"]=> string(19) "2015-06-08 11:21:09" ["date_upd"]=> string(19) "2024-06-20 13:44:16" ["advanced_stock_management"]=> string(1) "0" ["pack_stock_type"]=> string(1) "3" ["state"]=> string(1) "1" ["express_shipping"]=> string(1) "0" ["img_thumb"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_gsr"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_msc"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["aimd_dpq"]=> string(1) "1" ["aimd_proportional"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_format"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_fa"]=> string(1) "1" ["aimd_rd"]=> string(7) "1.00000" ["activelinear"]=> string(1) "1" ["activeattrthumb"]=> string(1) "1" ["is_configurated"]=> string(1) "0" ["stockplace"]=> string(0) "" ["id_shop"]=> string(1) "1" ["id_lang"]=> string(1) "3" ["description"]=> string(944) " Transports en commun Norm OK

Wool velvet specifically designed for use in the covering of seats and bus door panels .

Beyond its attractive appearance , it is a matter of great abrasion resistance ( Martindale : 100,000 wear cycles without visible wear).
On an excellent resistance to UV, dry or wet friction.
Approved for transport: standard 95/28/EG.

Certificate standard 95/28 / EG available in your account after order confirmation .

As our entire catalog , automatic volume discount is applied when you order.

Width 150 cm

" ["description_short"]=> string(98) "Wool velvet for transport vehicules.
Approved standard 95/28/EG .
Available two colors." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(38) "wool-velvet-fabric-for-bus-damia-model" ["meta_description"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(38) "Wool velvet fabric for bus Damia model" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(5) "15248" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(24) "public-transport-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(25) " Public transport fabrics" ["link"]=> string(95) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(116.666667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(116.666667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> array(0) { } ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(999) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(8) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(17) "Union européenne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(17) " Public transport" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "150 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(13) "Géométrique" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(38) "Résistance à l'abrasion (Martindale)" ["value"]=> string(13) "100.000 tours" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "27" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(31) "Peut être cousu ou bien collé" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Fabric Type" ["value"]=> string(7) "Velours" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "72" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(2) "10" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(3) "Red" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(11) "rouge 7 273" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> string(0) "" ["id"]=> string(3) "881" ["weight_unit"]=> string(2) "kg" ["images"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(9) { ["bySize"]=> array(6) { ["cart_default"]=> array(3) { ["url"]=> string(80) "" ["width"]=> int(90) ["height"]=> int(90) } ["small_default"]=> array(3) { ["url"]=> string(81) "" ["width"]=> int(98) ["height"]=> int(98) } ["search_default"]=> array(3) { ["url"]=> string(82) "" ["width"]=> int(250) ["height"]=> int(250) } ["medium_default"]=> array(3) { ["url"]=> string(82) "" ["width"]=> int(452) ["height"]=> int(452) } ["home_default"]=> array(3) { ["url"]=> string(80) "" ["width"]=> int(500) ["height"]=> int(500) } ["large_default"]=> array(3) { ["url"]=> string(81) "" ["width"]=> int(900) ["height"]=> int(900) } } ["small"]=> array(3) { ["url"]=> string(80) "" ["width"]=> int(90) ["height"]=> int(90) } ["medium"]=> array(3) { ["url"]=> string(82) "" ["width"]=> int(452) ["height"]=> int(452) } ["large"]=> array(3) { ["url"]=> string(81) "" ["width"]=> int(900) ["height"]=> int(900) } ["legend"]=> string(44) "Wool velvet fabric for bus Damia model - 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Wool velvet specifically designed for use in the covering of seats and bus door panels .

Beyond its attractive appearance , it is a matter of great abrasion resistance ( Martindale : 100,000 wear cycles without visible wear).
On an excellent resistance to UV, dry or wet friction.
Approved for transport: standard 95/28/EG.

Certificate standard 95/28 / EG available in your account after order confirmation .

As our entire catalog , automatic volume discount is applied when you order.

Width 150 cm

" ["description_short"]=> string(98) "Wool velvet for transport vehicules.
Approved standard 95/28/EG .
Available two colors." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(38) "wool-velvet-fabric-for-bus-damia-model" ["meta_description"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(38) "Wool velvet fabric for bus Damia model" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(5) "15248" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(24) "public-transport-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(25) " Public transport fabrics" ["link"]=> string(95) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(116.666667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(116.666667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> array(0) { } ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(999) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(8) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(17) "Union européenne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(17) " Public transport" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "150 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(13) "Géométrique" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(38) "Résistance à l'abrasion (Martindale)" ["value"]=> string(13) "100.000 tours" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "27" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(31) "Peut être cousu ou bien collé" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Fabric Type" ["value"]=> string(7) "Velours" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "72" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(2) "10" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(3) "Red" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(11) "rouge 7 273" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(8) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(17) "Union européenne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(17) " Public transport" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "150 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(13) "Géométrique" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Résistance à l'abrasion (Martindale)"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(38) "Résistance à l'abrasion (Martindale)" ["value"]=> string(13) "100.000 tours" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "27" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(31) "Peut être cousu ou bien collé" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Fabric Type"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Fabric Type" ["value"]=> string(7) "Velours" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "72" } } }

Skai® Ostrich leather imitation

Leatherette Skai ® Foal skin imitation

array(134) { ["id_product"]=> string(3) "494" ["id_supplier"]=> string(1) "2" ["id_manufacturer"]=> string(1) "6" ["id_category_default"]=> string(3) "148" ["id_shop_default"]=> string(1) "1" ["id_tax_rules_group"]=> string(2) "28" ["on_sale"]=> string(1) "0" ["online_only"]=> string(1) "0" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax"]=> array(3) { ["value"]=> string(7) "€0.00" ["amount"]=> string(8) "0.000000" ["rate"]=> float(0) } ["quantity"]=> int(999) ["minimal_quantity"]=> string(1) "1" ["low_stock_threshold"]=> NULL ["low_stock_alert"]=> string(1) "0" ["price"]=> string(8) "€60.75" ["wholesale_price"]=> string(9) "31.700000" ["unity"]=> string(0) "" ["unit_price_ratio"]=> string(8) "0.000000" ["additional_shipping_cost"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["reference"]=> string(4) "5116" ["supplier_reference"]=> string(0) "" ["location"]=> string(0) "" ["width"]=> string(9) "20.000000" ["height"]=> string(9) "20.000000" ["depth"]=> string(10) "150.000000" ["weight"]=> string(8) "1.000000" ["out_of_stock"]=> string(1) "2" ["additional_delivery_times"]=> string(1) "1" ["quantity_discount"]=> string(1) "0" ["customizable"]=> string(1) "0" ["uploadable_files"]=> string(1) "0" ["text_fields"]=> string(1) "0" ["active"]=> string(1) "1" ["redirect_type"]=> string(3) "404" ["id_type_redirected"]=> string(1) "0" ["available_for_order"]=> string(1) "1" ["available_date"]=> NULL ["show_condition"]=> string(1) "0" ["condition"]=> bool(false) ["show_price"]=> bool(true) ["indexed"]=> string(1) "1" ["visibility"]=> string(4) "both" ["cache_is_pack"]=> string(1) "0" ["cache_has_attachments"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_virtual"]=> string(1) "0" ["cache_default_attribute"]=> string(4) "6305" ["date_add"]=> string(19) "2015-05-05 15:57:53" ["date_upd"]=> string(19) "2024-06-20 12:04:22" ["advanced_stock_management"]=> string(1) "0" ["pack_stock_type"]=> string(1) "3" ["state"]=> string(1) "1" ["express_shipping"]=> string(1) "0" ["img_thumb"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_gsr"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_msc"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["aimd_dpq"]=> string(1) "1" ["aimd_proportional"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_format"]=> string(1) "0" ["aimd_fa"]=> string(1) "1" ["aimd_rd"]=> string(7) "1.00000" ["activelinear"]=> string(1) "1" ["activeattrthumb"]=> string(1) "1" ["is_configurated"]=> string(1) "0" ["stockplace"]=> string(0) "" ["id_shop"]=> string(1) "1" ["id_lang"]=> string(1) "3" ["description"]=> string(3220) "

Leatherette Skai ® Foal skin imitation

Non feu M2 Coussins Siege Utilisation rideau Utilisation automobile non cerifiée UTAC

The foal skin Skai ® leatherette can be used as wallpaper

Tissens recommend the Ovalit F glue for your wall installation

Colle sur le mur : pose des supports non-tissés, la colle est directement déposée sur le mur et non plus sur le revêtement ; aucun temps de détrempes ni de découpe Lessivable à la brosse: il est possible de frotter, de brosser avec une poudre détergente, même abrasive sans risque de dégradation du revêtement. Raccord libre : la pose est laissée à l’appréciation du poseur (possibilité de poser avec ou sans raccord) Excellent résistance à la lumière Pelable : la couche supérieure du revêtement s’arrache facilement et laisse une pelure sur le mur qui est prêt à recevoir un nouveau papier peint

The foal skin leatherette Skai mimic perfectly the animal skin

His reliefs, color shades and flexibility mimic the skin of the foal.
A quality to meet your requirements.
Meets fire retardant M2 standards.

Ideal for covering furniture, cushion, sofa, wall hangings, etc.
High elasticity in order to marry the most complex shapes.

Works easily: collage, sewing by hand or with a simple sewing machine and cut with a cutter or scissors.

Easy maintenance with a simple sponge and soap.

Tissens is official distributor of the brand Skai ®

Buy your Skai ® on is for you a guarantee of quality.

We NEVER use the brand Skai ® for a product that is not from the Skai manufacture, it would be a lie.

Choosing a Skai ® leatherette is a guarantee of a purchase of confidence, durable, designed and manufactured in Germany for 50 years under strict methods.
Hight-end quality, exclusive design, innovative properties for a faultless result.

Certificate of Authenticity available upon request

Find other Skai ® products on reference website chosen by the best brands.

" ["description_short"]=> string(133) "Leatherette Skai ® Foal skin imitation.
No fire M2.
Perfectly imitates the skin of the animal.
Available in 8 colors." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(36) "leatherette-skai-foal-skin-imitation" ["meta_description"]=> string(118) "Leatherette Skai ® Foal skin imitation. No fire M2. Perfectly imitates the skin of the animal. Available in 8 colors." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(39) "Leatherette Skai ® Foal skin imitation" ["name"]=> string(39) "Leatherette Skai ® Foal skin imitation" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(4) "6305" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(33) "papiers-peints-vinyle-lessivables" ["category_name"]=> string(35) "Papiers peints vinyle / lessivables" ["link"]=> string(102) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(60.75) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(60.75) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> array(0) { } ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(7992) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(17) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Weight" ["value"]=> string(10) "812 gr/m²" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "4" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Compositions" ["value"]=> string(46) "73% chlorofibre - 25% coton - 2% polyuréthane" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "5" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(23) "You order what you need" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(16) "All indoor items" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(13) "Norme non feu" ["value"]=> string(22) "M2 - 1021 parts 1 et 2" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "11" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(14) "Faune et flore" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [8]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(8) "Cleaning" ["value"]=> string(10) "Savon doux" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "22" } [9]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Support" ["value"]=> string(16) "Feutre polyester" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "24" } [10]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(9) "Epaisseur" ["value"]=> string(26) "1.1 / 1.2 mm (millimètre)" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "26" } [11]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(38) "Résistance à l'abrasion (Martindale)" ["value"]=> string(12) "25.000 tours" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "27" } [12]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(84) "Peut se coudre, se coller, s'agrafer ainsi que se poser au mur comme un papier peint" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [13]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Collection" ["value"]=> string(9) "Thannerie" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "10" } [14]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(13) "Lieux publics" ["value"]=> string(106) "Ce produit respecte la réglementation en vigueur pour un usage en lieux publics. Certificats disponibles." ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "73" } [15]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Raccord" ["value"]=> string(4) "Sans" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "67" } [16]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Fabric Type" ["value"]=> string(7) "Texture" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "72" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(3) "482" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(5) "Coton" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(13) "5116/13 Coton" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> string(0) "" ["id"]=> string(3) "494" ["weight_unit"]=> string(2) "kg" ["images"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(9) { ["bySize"]=> array(6) { ["cart_default"]=> array(3) { ["url"]=> 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Leatherette Skai ® Foal skin imitation

Non feu M2 Coussins Siege Utilisation rideau Utilisation automobile non cerifiée UTAC

The foal skin Skai ® leatherette can be used as wallpaper

Tissens recommend the Ovalit F glue for your wall installation

Colle sur le mur : pose des supports non-tissés, la colle est directement déposée sur le mur et non plus sur le revêtement ; aucun temps de détrempes ni de découpe Lessivable à la brosse: il est possible de frotter, de brosser avec une poudre détergente, même abrasive sans risque de dégradation du revêtement. Raccord libre : la pose est laissée à l’appréciation du poseur (possibilité de poser avec ou sans raccord) Excellent résistance à la lumière Pelable : la couche supérieure du revêtement s’arrache facilement et laisse une pelure sur le mur qui est prêt à recevoir un nouveau papier peint

The foal skin leatherette Skai mimic perfectly the animal skin

His reliefs, color shades and flexibility mimic the skin of the foal.
A quality to meet your requirements.
Meets fire retardant M2 standards.

Ideal for covering furniture, cushion, sofa, wall hangings, etc.
High elasticity in order to marry the most complex shapes.

Works easily: collage, sewing by hand or with a simple sewing machine and cut with a cutter or scissors.

Easy maintenance with a simple sponge and soap.

Tissens is official distributor of the brand Skai ®

Buy your Skai ® on is for you a guarantee of quality.

We NEVER use the brand Skai ® for a product that is not from the Skai manufacture, it would be a lie.

Choosing a Skai ® leatherette is a guarantee of a purchase of confidence, durable, designed and manufactured in Germany for 50 years under strict methods.
Hight-end quality, exclusive design, innovative properties for a faultless result.

Certificate of Authenticity available upon request

Find other Skai ® products on reference website chosen by the best brands.

" ["description_short"]=> string(133) "Leatherette Skai ® Foal skin imitation.
No fire M2.
Perfectly imitates the skin of the animal.
Available in 8 colors." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(36) "leatherette-skai-foal-skin-imitation" ["meta_description"]=> string(118) "Leatherette Skai ® Foal skin imitation. No fire M2. Perfectly imitates the skin of the animal. Available in 8 colors." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(39) "Leatherette Skai ® Foal skin imitation" ["name"]=> string(39) "Leatherette Skai ® Foal skin imitation" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(4) "6305" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(33) "papiers-peints-vinyle-lessivables" ["category_name"]=> string(35) "Papiers peints vinyle / lessivables" ["link"]=> string(102) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(60.75) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(60.75) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> array(0) { } ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(7992) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(17) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Weight" ["value"]=> string(10) "812 gr/m²" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "4" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Compositions" ["value"]=> string(46) "73% chlorofibre - 25% coton - 2% polyuréthane" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "5" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(23) "You order what you need" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(16) "All indoor items" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(13) "Norme non feu" ["value"]=> string(22) "M2 - 1021 parts 1 et 2" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "11" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(14) "Faune et flore" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [8]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(8) "Cleaning" ["value"]=> string(10) "Savon doux" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "22" } [9]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Support" ["value"]=> string(16) "Feutre polyester" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "24" } [10]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(9) "Epaisseur" ["value"]=> string(26) "1.1 / 1.2 mm (millimètre)" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "26" } [11]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(38) "Résistance à l'abrasion (Martindale)" ["value"]=> string(12) "25.000 tours" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "27" } [12]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(84) "Peut se coudre, se coller, s'agrafer ainsi que se poser au mur comme un papier peint" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [13]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Collection" ["value"]=> string(9) "Thannerie" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "10" } [14]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(13) "Lieux publics" ["value"]=> string(106) "Ce produit respecte la réglementation en vigueur pour un usage en lieux publics. Certificats disponibles." ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "73" } [15]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Raccord" ["value"]=> string(4) "Sans" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "67" } [16]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Fabric Type" ["value"]=> string(7) "Texture" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "72" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(3) "482" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(5) "Coton" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(13) "5116/13 Coton" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(17) { ["Weight"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Weight" ["value"]=> string(10) "812 gr/m²" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "4" } ["Compositions"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Compositions" ["value"]=> string(46) "73% chlorofibre - 25% coton - 2% polyuréthane" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "5" } ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(23) "You order what you need" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(16) "All indoor items" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Norme non feu"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(13) "Norme non feu" ["value"]=> string(22) "M2 - 1021 parts 1 et 2" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "11" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(14) "Faune et flore" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Cleaning"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(8) "Cleaning" ["value"]=> string(10) "Savon doux" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "22" } ["Support"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Support" ["value"]=> string(16) "Feutre polyester" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "24" } ["Epaisseur"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(9) "Epaisseur" ["value"]=> string(26) "1.1 / 1.2 mm (millimètre)" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "26" } ["Résistance à l'abrasion (Martindale)"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(38) "Résistance à l'abrasion (Martindale)" ["value"]=> string(12) "25.000 tours" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "27" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(84) "Peut se coudre, se coller, s'agrafer ainsi que se poser au mur comme un papier peint" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Collection"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Collection" ["value"]=> string(9) "Thannerie" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "10" } ["Lieux publics"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(13) "Lieux publics" ["value"]=> string(106) "Ce produit respecte la réglementation en vigueur pour un usage en lieux publics. Certificats disponibles." ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "73" } ["Raccord"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Raccord" ["value"]=> string(4) "Sans" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "67" } ["Fabric Type"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Fabric Type" ["value"]=> string(7) "Texture" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "72" } } }

Roquebrune outdoor fabric - Casal

Roquebrune outdoor fabric - Casal

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Intérieur / extérieurProtection TeflonParasolTransatCoussinSiegeRideauxLavage 30°Teinté masse

Roquebrune outdoor fabric, by Casal, avaiable in 10 colors !
Made in Italy.

100% solution dyed "outdoor" acrylic fibre, Teflon finishing.
For all yours outdoor furnitures.

Soil-resistant through the specific primer of Antibes tissue.
Helps eliminate tasks for easy use in all circumstances.
Hyper-resistant color with 100% acrylic fiber dyed mass resists the action of sunlight , water and all ATMOSPHERIC agents.
Roquebrune fabric may be used for sunbathing, deckchairs, parasols, cushions, blinds, etc.
Roquebrune fabric is mould resistant and therefore supports humid environments such as bathrooms , covered veranda, greenhouse, etc
Other benefits of this fabric, such as 6 year warranty on colors, are detailed in the full specifications.

Toile ANTIBES casal

About your order :

You need a sample to valid your order ? Please demand : It's FREE. is your source for all your french and european high quality products.
Fabrics, leathers, home accessories, cushions, lamps, ... All you need is here.
Worldwide delivery and no french taxes for outside Europe customers.

A doubt ? A question ? Contact us !

" ["description_short"]=> string(101) "

Roquebrune outdoor fabric.
100% solution dyed acrylic fibre.
Avaiable in 10 colors.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(31) "roquebrune-outdoor-fabric-casal" ["meta_description"]=> string(83) "Roquebrune outdoor fabric. 100% solution dyed acrylic fibre. Avaiable in 10 colors." 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Intérieur / extérieurProtection TeflonParasolTransatCoussinSiegeRideauxLavage 30°Teinté masse

Roquebrune outdoor fabric, by Casal, avaiable in 10 colors !
Made in Italy.

100% solution dyed "outdoor" acrylic fibre, Teflon finishing.
For all yours outdoor furnitures.

Soil-resistant through the specific primer of Antibes tissue.
Helps eliminate tasks for easy use in all circumstances.
Hyper-resistant color with 100% acrylic fiber dyed mass resists the action of sunlight , water and all ATMOSPHERIC agents.
Roquebrune fabric may be used for sunbathing, deckchairs, parasols, cushions, blinds, etc.
Roquebrune fabric is mould resistant and therefore supports humid environments such as bathrooms , covered veranda, greenhouse, etc
Other benefits of this fabric, such as 6 year warranty on colors, are detailed in the full specifications.

Toile ANTIBES casal

About your order :

You need a sample to valid your order ? Please demand : It's FREE. is your source for all your french and european high quality products.
Fabrics, leathers, home accessories, cushions, lamps, ... All you need is here.
Worldwide delivery and no french taxes for outside Europe customers.

A doubt ? A question ? Contact us !

" ["description_short"]=> string(101) "

Roquebrune outdoor fabric.
100% solution dyed acrylic fibre.
Avaiable in 10 colors.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(31) "roquebrune-outdoor-fabric-casal" ["meta_description"]=> string(83) "Roquebrune outdoor fabric. 100% solution dyed acrylic fibre. Avaiable in 10 colors." 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Leatherette Select M2

Leatherette Select M2 - Griffine

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Plastique cristal souple transparent 30/100

Flexible marine glazing Strataglass 30

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Plastique cristal souple transparent 30/100

M2 fireproof flexible cristal clear plastic 0.8 mm (80/100)

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Intérieur / extérieurRideauxNon feu

Flexible clear plastic 100% PVC with anti UV and anti static treatment

High quality product.

The CRISTAL with a thickness of 0,8 mm M2 fireproof fits all your needs.

Fireproof certificate accessible in your customer area after validation of order.

The 0.8 mm PVC is easily workable : it may be fused, sewn by hand or with a simple sewing machine and can be cut with a cutter or a pair of scissors.

Also Available in marine version as well as in other widths.

" ["description_short"]=> string(129) "

Flexible clear plastic PVC anti UV and anti static.

Thickness 80/100 M2 FIREPROOF.
Width 140 cm.

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Intérieur / extérieurRideauxNon feu

Flexible clear plastic 100% PVC with anti UV and anti static treatment

High quality product.

The CRISTAL with a thickness of 0,8 mm M2 fireproof fits all your needs.

Fireproof certificate accessible in your customer area after validation of order.

The 0.8 mm PVC is easily workable : it may be fused, sewn by hand or with a simple sewing machine and can be cut with a cutter or a pair of scissors.

Also Available in marine version as well as in other widths.

" ["description_short"]=> string(129) "

Flexible clear plastic PVC anti UV and anti static.

Thickness 80/100 M2 FIREPROOF.
Width 140 cm.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(57) "transparent-soft-plastic-crystal-08-mm-80100-fireproof-m2" ["meta_description"]=> string(96) "Flexible clear plastic PVC anti UV and anti static. Thickness 80/100 M2 FIREPROOF. Width 140 cm." 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Carbon Fiber coated fabrics - Black CAR-1100

Carbon Fiber coated fabrics - Spradling

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Roll of 50 meters of Flexible PVC cristal clear plastic curtain strip width 10 cm

Roll of 50 meters of Flexible PVC cristal clear plastic curtain strip width 10 cm

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Roll of 50 meters of flexible PVC cristal clear plastic curtain strip width 10 cm (100 mm)

Flexible PVC cristal clear plastic curtain strip width 100 mm.
Flexible clear PVC with bluish highlights and 2 rounded edges.
Thickness : 2 mm.
Width: 100 mm.
Weight : 240 gr/ml.

Sold by roll of 50 meters.

High quality for a professional use : premises protection, protection against dust, protection against splashes, protection against noise, etc
Made in France phthalate free without silicone.
You can cut it to your own dimensions.
Decreasing price according to the ordered quantity.
Also available by meters.

Techincal characteristics of our PVC strips


Find out our wide range of flexible pvc strips available in different qualities and widths, as well as our wide selection of cristal.

Need multiple strips in specific dimensions ? Contact us.

" ["description_short"]=> string(161) "

Flexible PVC cristal clear plastic curtain strip width 10 cm (100 mm)
Available in thickness 2 mm
Standad quality
Sold by roll of 50 meters

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Roll of 50 meters of flexible PVC cristal clear plastic curtain strip width 10 cm (100 mm)

Flexible PVC cristal clear plastic curtain strip width 100 mm.
Flexible clear PVC with bluish highlights and 2 rounded edges.
Thickness : 2 mm.
Width: 100 mm.
Weight : 240 gr/ml.

Sold by roll of 50 meters.

High quality for a professional use : premises protection, protection against dust, protection against splashes, protection against noise, etc
Made in France phthalate free without silicone.
You can cut it to your own dimensions.
Decreasing price according to the ordered quantity.
Also available by meters.

Techincal characteristics of our PVC strips


Find out our wide range of flexible pvc strips available in different qualities and widths, as well as our wide selection of cristal.

Need multiple strips in specific dimensions ? Contact us.

" ["description_short"]=> string(161) "

Flexible PVC cristal clear plastic curtain strip width 10 cm (100 mm)
Available in thickness 2 mm
Standad quality
Sold by roll of 50 meters

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Production spéciale simili cuir bi-élastique

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€21.00 -5% €19.95

Citroën 2CV vynil headliner white color

Citroën 2CV vynil headliner

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Citroën 2CV headliner fabric

 Utilisation automobile Citroen

Automotive vynil headliner to Citroen 2CV available in 4 colors.

Apply using neoprene glue also available on Tissens .

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Other fabrics available for Citroën cars and vans.

" ["description_short"]=> string(96) "

Citroën 2CV headliner vynil
Available in 4 colors.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(27) "citroen-2cv-vynil-headliner" ["meta_description"]=> string(66) "Citroën 2CV headliner vynil Available in 4 colors. Sold by meter." 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Citroën 2CV headliner fabric

 Utilisation automobile Citroen

Automotive vynil headliner to Citroen 2CV available in 4 colors.

Apply using neoprene glue also available on Tissens .

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Other fabrics available for Citroën cars and vans.

" ["description_short"]=> string(96) "

Citroën 2CV headliner vynil
Available in 4 colors.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(27) "citroen-2cv-vynil-headliner" ["meta_description"]=> string(66) "Citroën 2CV headliner vynil Available in 4 colors. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(28) "Citroën 2CV vynil headliner" ["name"]=> string(28) "Citroën 2CV vynil headliner" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(6) "119416" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(27) "automotive-roof-sky-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(27) "Automotive roof sky fabrics" ["link"]=> string(88) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(69.166667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(69.166667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(3996) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(8) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(6) "France" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(7) "Rayures" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(8) "Citroën" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(1) "2" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(1) "8" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(5) "White" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(20) "2cv-ciel-vynil-blanc" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(8) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(6) "France" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(7) "Rayures" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(8) "Citroën" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(1) "2" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Automotive Replacement pile Carpet for Porsche

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Automotive Replacement pile Carpet for Porsche

Products made in Germany

Automotive products

Products for Porsche

Automotive Replacement pile Carpet for Porsche. 
Antraciet color and 165 cm width.
Quality meets the carpet used as genuine equipment.
Also take advantage of our universal heel pieces for a perfect finish of your carpet.

Installation advice :

Before installing a new car carpet , remove the old coating .
Sliced ​​with a cutter, it is removed by hand vigorously .
The sheet is then scraped gently with a wire brush (not to scratch).
The residues are then sucked.

Cut to size, the new coating is layed in two ways.
Or it is directly bonded to the metal sheet degreased (with acetone soaked a sponge or cloth) .
Either it is fixed by de-snaps to remain removable.
To fix the carpet  it is best to use a neoprene glue.
The adhesive is placed on the sheet and the back of the carpet .
After a short drying time ( 5-10 minutes), the coating is in place and firmly pressed by hand on the sheet .

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Other Porsche products avaiable on Tissens.

" ["description_short"]=> string(126) "

Automotive Replacement pile Carpet for Porsche
Antraciet color and 165 cm width.
Sold by meters.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(42) "automotive-replacement-pile-carpet-porsche" ["meta_description"]=> string(96) "Automotive Replacement pile Carpet for Porsche Antraciet color and 165 cm width. Sold by meters." 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Automotive Replacement pile Carpet for Porsche

Products made in Germany

Automotive products

Products for Porsche

Automotive Replacement pile Carpet for Porsche. 
Antraciet color and 165 cm width.
Quality meets the carpet used as genuine equipment.
Also take advantage of our universal heel pieces for a perfect finish of your carpet.

Installation advice :

Before installing a new car carpet , remove the old coating .
Sliced ​​with a cutter, it is removed by hand vigorously .
The sheet is then scraped gently with a wire brush (not to scratch).
The residues are then sucked.

Cut to size, the new coating is layed in two ways.
Or it is directly bonded to the metal sheet degreased (with acetone soaked a sponge or cloth) .
Either it is fixed by de-snaps to remain removable.
To fix the carpet  it is best to use a neoprene glue.
The adhesive is placed on the sheet and the back of the carpet .
After a short drying time ( 5-10 minutes), the coating is in place and firmly pressed by hand on the sheet .

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Other Porsche products avaiable on Tissens.

" ["description_short"]=> string(126) "

Automotive Replacement pile Carpet for Porsche
Antraciet color and 165 cm width.
Sold by meters.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(42) "automotive-replacement-pile-carpet-porsche" ["meta_description"]=> string(96) "Automotive Replacement pile Carpet for Porsche Antraciet color and 165 cm width. Sold by meters." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(46) "Automotive Replacement pile Carpet for Porsche" ["name"]=> string(46) "Automotive Replacement pile Carpet for Porsche" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(6) "103870" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(34) "automotive-carpet-and-car-flooring" ["category_name"]=> string(34) "Automotive carpet and car flooring" ["link"]=> string(110) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(39.166667) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(39.166667) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(1989) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(8) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "200 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(31) "Peut être cousu ou bien collé" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(7) "Porsche" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Aspect" ["value"]=> string(4) "Matt" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "93" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(2) "26" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(10) "Anthracite" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(21) "tapisson-P-Anthracite" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(8) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "200 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(31) "Peut être cousu ou bien collé" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(7) "Porsche" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } ["Aspect"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Aspect" ["value"]=> string(4) "Matt" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "93" } } }

Acrylic velvet fabric for bus Murano model

Acrylic velvet fabric for bus Murano model

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Acrylic velvet specifically designed for use in the covering of seats and bus door panels .

Beyond its attractive appearance , it is a matter of great abrasion resistance ( Martindale : 100,000 wear cycles without visible wear).
On an excellent resistance to UV, dry or wet friction.
Approved for transport: standard 95/28/EG.

Certificate standard 95/28 / EG available in your account after order confirmation .

As our entire catalog , automatic volume discount is applied when you order.

Width 150 cm

" ["description_short"]=> string(106) "Acrylic velvet for transport vehicules.
Approved standard 95/28/EG .
Available in unique color." 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Acrylic velvet specifically designed for use in the covering of seats and bus door panels .

Beyond its attractive appearance , it is a matter of great abrasion resistance ( Martindale : 100,000 wear cycles without visible wear).
On an excellent resistance to UV, dry or wet friction.
Approved for transport: standard 95/28/EG.

Certificate standard 95/28 / EG available in your account after order confirmation .

As our entire catalog , automatic volume discount is applied when you order.

Width 150 cm

" ["description_short"]=> string(106) "Acrylic velvet for transport vehicules.
Approved standard 95/28/EG .
Available in unique color." ["link_rewrite"]=> string(42) "acrylic-velvet-fabric-for-bus-murano-model" ["meta_description"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(42) "Acrylic velvet fabric for bus Murano model" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(5) "15249" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(24) "public-transport-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(25) " Public transport fabrics" ["link"]=> string(99) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(120.833333) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(120.833333) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> array(0) { } ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(999) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(8) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(17) "Union européenne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(17) " Public transport" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "150 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(7) "Rayures" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(38) "Résistance à l'abrasion (Martindale)" ["value"]=> string(13) "100.000 tours" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "27" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(31) "Peut être cousu ou bien collé" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Fabric Type" ["value"]=> string(7) "Velours" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "72" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(2) "14" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(4) "Blue" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(5) "7 457" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(8) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(17) "Union européenne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(17) " Public transport" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "150 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Pattern"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Pattern" ["value"]=> string(7) "Rayures" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "12" } ["Résistance à l'abrasion (Martindale)"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(38) "Résistance à l'abrasion (Martindale)" ["value"]=> string(13) "100.000 tours" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "27" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(31) "Peut être cousu ou bien collé" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Fabric Type"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(11) "Fabric Type" ["value"]=> string(7) "Velours" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "72" } } }

Genuine stripes fabric to 205 RALLYE

Genuine fabric to Peugeot 205 RALLYE

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Genuine fabrics to Peugeot 205 RALLYE

Products made in France Automotive products Products for Peugeot

Genuine stripes 205 Rallye fabric,
Genuine plain 205 Rallye fabric.

Foam seat for Peugeot 205 also avaiable.

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Quality of a fabric according to the original, made ​​in France.


Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Worldwide delivey.

Discover our wide range of fabrics and accessories for 205 and other Peugeot cars and vans.

" ["description_short"]=> string(113) "

Genuine fabric to Peugeot 205 RALLYE
Plain version and stripes version avaiable.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(33) "genuine-fabric-peugeot-205-rallye" ["meta_description"]=> string(96) "Genuine fabric to Peugeot 205 RALLYE. Plain version and stripes version avaiable. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(36) "Genuine fabric to Peugeot 205 RALLYE" ["name"]=> string(36) "Genuine fabric to Peugeot 205 RALLYE" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(5) "14257" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(95) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(60.833333) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(60.833333) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(927) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(6) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> 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Genuine fabrics to Peugeot 205 RALLYE

Products made in France Automotive products Products for Peugeot

Genuine stripes 205 Rallye fabric,
Genuine plain 205 Rallye fabric.

Foam seat for Peugeot 205 also avaiable.

Ideal for covering your seats and door panels.

Quality of a fabric according to the original, made ​​in France.


Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Worldwide delivey.

Discover our wide range of fabrics and accessories for 205 and other Peugeot cars and vans.

" ["description_short"]=> string(113) "

Genuine fabric to Peugeot 205 RALLYE
Plain version and stripes version avaiable.
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(33) "genuine-fabric-peugeot-205-rallye" ["meta_description"]=> string(96) "Genuine fabric to Peugeot 205 RALLYE. Plain version and stripes version avaiable. Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(36) "Genuine fabric to Peugeot 205 RALLYE" ["name"]=> string(36) "Genuine fabric to Peugeot 205 RALLYE" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(5) "14257" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(29) "automotive-yougtimers-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(29) "Automotive yougtimers fabrics" ["link"]=> string(95) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(60.833333) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(60.833333) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(927) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(6) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(6) "France" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(7) "Peugeot" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(3) "205" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(2) "11" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(5) "Black" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(6) "Rallye" ["ean13"]=> string(13) "3663591008809" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(6) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(10) "Au mètre " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(6) "France" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(7) "Peugeot" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(3) "205" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

Marine vynil coat Maritime Light  Nautolex - color black

Marine vynil coat Maritime Light Nautolex

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Theoule outdoor fabric - Casal

Theoule outdoor fabric - Casal

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Intérieur / extérieurProtection TeflonParasolTransatCoussinSiegeRideauxLavage 30°Teinté masse

Theoule outdoor fabric, by Casal, avaiable in 7 colors !
Made in Italy.

100% solution dyed "outdoor" acrylic fibre, Teflon finishing.
For all yours outdoor furnitures.

Soil-resistant through the specific primer of Antibes tissue.
Helps eliminate tasks for easy use in all circumstances.
Hyper-resistant color with 100% acrylic fiber dyed mass resists the action of sunlight , water and all ATMOSPHERIC agents.
Theoule fabric may be used for sunbathing, deckchairs, parasols, cushions, blinds, etc.
Theoule fabric is mould resistant and therefore supports humid environments such as bathrooms , covered veranda, greenhouse, etc
Other benefits of this fabric, such as 6 year warranty on colors, are detailed in the full specifications.

Toile ANTIBES casal

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Fabrics, leathers, home accessories, cushions, lamps, ... All you need is here.
Worldwide delivery and no french taxes for outside Europe customers.

A doubt ? A question ? Contact us !

" ["description_short"]=> string(97) "

Theoule outdoor fabric.
100% solution dyed acrylic fibre.
Avaiable in 7 colors.

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Intérieur / extérieurProtection TeflonParasolTransatCoussinSiegeRideauxLavage 30°Teinté masse

Theoule outdoor fabric, by Casal, avaiable in 7 colors !
Made in Italy.

100% solution dyed "outdoor" acrylic fibre, Teflon finishing.
For all yours outdoor furnitures.

Soil-resistant through the specific primer of Antibes tissue.
Helps eliminate tasks for easy use in all circumstances.
Hyper-resistant color with 100% acrylic fiber dyed mass resists the action of sunlight , water and all ATMOSPHERIC agents.
Theoule fabric may be used for sunbathing, deckchairs, parasols, cushions, blinds, etc.
Theoule fabric is mould resistant and therefore supports humid environments such as bathrooms , covered veranda, greenhouse, etc
Other benefits of this fabric, such as 6 year warranty on colors, are detailed in the full specifications.

Toile ANTIBES casal

About your order :

You need a sample to valid your order ? Please demand : It's FREE. is your source for all your french and european high quality products.
Fabrics, leathers, home accessories, cushions, lamps, ... All you need is here.
Worldwide delivery and no french taxes for outside Europe customers.

A doubt ? A question ? Contact us !

" ["description_short"]=> string(97) "

Theoule outdoor fabric.
100% solution dyed acrylic fibre.
Avaiable in 7 colors.

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It helps restrict mildew growth" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "92" } } }

Blanc 7720FR-5701

Fireproof M2 Batyline ® Lounge - Serge Ferrari

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Non feu M2 Intérieur / extérieur Tansat et mobilier de jardin Coussin Siege Conçu et fabriqué en France

Fireproof M2 Batyline ® Lounge.
Special for padding and lining .

Designed and manufactured according to the prestressed technology, Batyline ® Iso has remarkable qualities of regular weaving, great dimensional stability and high mechanical properties.
Benefiting from an anti-fungal treatment, the Batyline thread is resistant to both moisture and microorganisms development.
Very durable in time, easy to maintain, lightweight, flexible, quick dry and always "fresh" even in summer.

Transparency of the material and unique palette of incomparable colors, Batyline Iso is the reference material chosen by thousands of individuals, professionals and major brands of outdoor furniture such as Vlaemynck.

Garantie 5 ans Serge Ferrari


• Specially designed for outdoor use
• Chairs, Armchairs, Lounge chairs
• Cushions and benches
• Enclosures, decorations
• etc.

Utilisation Batyline

Characteristics :

• Tighter frame as the Batyline Iso
• Fireproof M2
• Width 180 cm
• Anti UV, easy to clean
• High thenacity  polyester yarn
• Specific formulation of the sheath
• Serge Ferrari Patented Technology
• Optimized open weave 

Technologie précontraint

Protection sheath dyed in the mass 
High tenacity multi-filament polyester yarn 
Bi-axial stress: fully respects the thread’s rectitude


• Do not tear, extreme strength
• Excellent resistance to outdoor conditions
• Maintenance very easy with soap and water or with Cleaner 500
• Regular tension maintainance: no risk of knee shape damage
• Regularity of weaving, squareness of the threads, guaranteed finish and esthetic 
• Stays cool in summer, dries very quickly 

Find other Serge Ferrari ® products on the benchmark website chosen by the best brands.

" ["description_short"]=> string(77) "

Fireproof M2 Batyline ® Lounge.
Special for padding and lining .

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Non feu M2 Intérieur / extérieur Tansat et mobilier de jardin Coussin Siege Conçu et fabriqué en France

Fireproof M2 Batyline ® Lounge.
Special for padding and lining .

Designed and manufactured according to the prestressed technology, Batyline ® Iso has remarkable qualities of regular weaving, great dimensional stability and high mechanical properties.
Benefiting from an anti-fungal treatment, the Batyline thread is resistant to both moisture and microorganisms development.
Very durable in time, easy to maintain, lightweight, flexible, quick dry and always "fresh" even in summer.

Transparency of the material and unique palette of incomparable colors, Batyline Iso is the reference material chosen by thousands of individuals, professionals and major brands of outdoor furniture such as Vlaemynck.

Garantie 5 ans Serge Ferrari


• Specially designed for outdoor use
• Chairs, Armchairs, Lounge chairs
• Cushions and benches
• Enclosures, decorations
• etc.

Utilisation Batyline

Characteristics :

• Tighter frame as the Batyline Iso
• Fireproof M2
• Width 180 cm
• Anti UV, easy to clean
• High thenacity  polyester yarn
• Specific formulation of the sheath
• Serge Ferrari Patented Technology
• Optimized open weave 

Technologie précontraint

Protection sheath dyed in the mass 
High tenacity multi-filament polyester yarn 
Bi-axial stress: fully respects the thread’s rectitude


• Do not tear, extreme strength
• Excellent resistance to outdoor conditions
• Maintenance very easy with soap and water or with Cleaner 500
• Regular tension maintainance: no risk of knee shape damage
• Regularity of weaving, squareness of the threads, guaranteed finish and esthetic 
• Stays cool in summer, dries very quickly 

Find other Serge Ferrari ® products on the benchmark website chosen by the best brands.

" ["description_short"]=> string(77) "

Fireproof M2 Batyline ® Lounge.
Special for padding and lining .

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(49) "fireproof-m2-batyline-lounge-serge-ferrari-7700fr" ["meta_description"]=> string(65) "Fireproof M2 Batyline ® Lounge. Special for padding and lining ." 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Norme Iso 14001" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "64" } [16]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(19) "Minimum de commande" ["value"]=> string(79) "Certains coloris nécessitent un minimum de commande de cinq mètres linéaires" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "65" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(1) "8" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(5) "White" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(17) "Blanc 7720FR-5701" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(17) { ["Weight"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Weight" ["value"]=> string(10) "500 gr/m²" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "4" } ["Compositions"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Compositions" ["value"]=> string(17) "Textile composite" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "5" } ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(23) "You order what you need" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Résistance à la rupture"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(25) "Résistance à la rupture" ["value"]=> string(16) "150/150da N/5 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "15" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(6) "France" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Properties"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Properties" ["value"]=> string(38) "Ne se déchire pas, extrême solidité" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "7" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(7) "Outdoor" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "180 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Norme non feu"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(13) "Norme non feu" ["value"]=> string(22) "M2 - 1021 parts 1 et 2" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "11" } ["Cleaning"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(8) "Cleaning" ["value"]=> string(19) "Se nettoie à l'eau" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "22" } ["Résistance à l'abrasion (Martindale)"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(38) "Résistance à l'abrasion (Martindale)" ["value"]=> string(13) "120.000 tours" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "27" } ["Façon"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Façon" ["value"]=> string(11) "Can be sewn" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "66" } ["Température extrême"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(21) "Température extrême" ["value"]=> string(15) "-20°C / +70°C" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "31" } ["Raccord"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Raccord" ["value"]=> string(4) "Sans" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "67" } ["Warranty"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(8) "Warranty" ["value"]=> string(8) "5 years " ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "63" } ["Protection de l'environnement"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(29) "Protection de l'environnement" ["value"]=> string(32) "100% recyclable. 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Plastique cristal souple transparent 30/100

Flexible marine glazing Strataglass 40

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Plastique cristal souple transparent 30/100

M2 fireproof flexible crystal clear plastic 0.3 mm (30/100)

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Intérieur / extérieurRideauxNon feu

Flexible clear plastic 100% PVC with anti UV et anti static treatment

High quality product.

The CRISTAL with a thickness of 0,5 mm M2 fireproof fits all your needs.

Fireproof certificate accessible in your customer area after validation of order.

The 0.5 mm PVC is easily workable : it may be fused, sewn by hand or with a simple sewing machine and can be cut with a cutter or a pair of scissors.

Also Available in marine version as well as in other widths.

" ["description_short"]=> string(129) "

Flexible clear plastic PVC anti UV and anti static.

Thickness 50/100 M2 FIREPROOF.
Width 140 cm.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(57) "transparent-soft-plastic-crystal-05-mm-50100-fireproof-m2" ["meta_description"]=> string(96) "Flexible clear plastic PVC anti UV and anti static. Thickness 50/100 M2 FIREPROOF. Width 140 cm." 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Intérieur / extérieurRideauxNon feu

Flexible clear plastic 100% PVC with anti UV et anti static treatment

High quality product.

The CRISTAL with a thickness of 0,5 mm M2 fireproof fits all your needs.

Fireproof certificate accessible in your customer area after validation of order.

The 0.5 mm PVC is easily workable : it may be fused, sewn by hand or with a simple sewing machine and can be cut with a cutter or a pair of scissors.

Also Available in marine version as well as in other widths.

" ["description_short"]=> string(129) "

Flexible clear plastic PVC anti UV and anti static.

Thickness 50/100 M2 FIREPROOF.
Width 140 cm.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(57) "transparent-soft-plastic-crystal-05-mm-50100-fireproof-m2" ["meta_description"]=> string(96) "Flexible clear plastic PVC anti UV and anti static. Thickness 50/100 M2 FIREPROOF. Width 140 cm." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(59) "M2 fireproof flexible crystal clear plastic 0.5 mm (50/100)" ["name"]=> string(59) "M2 fireproof flexible crystal clear plastic 0.3 mm (30/100)" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(1) "0" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(36) "soft-transparent-crystal-pvc-plastic" ["category_name"]=> string(36) "Soft transparent crystal PVC plastic" ["link"]=> string(126) "" ["attribute_price"]=> int(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(20) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(20) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(842) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(13) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Weight" ["value"]=> string(9) "610 g/m²" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "4" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Compositions" ["value"]=> string(3) "PVC" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "5" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(23) "You order what you need" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(25) "Résistance à la rupture" ["value"]=> string(7) "7 kg/mm" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "15" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Properties" ["value"]=> string(24) "Anti UV et anti statique" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "7" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(8) "All uses" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [6]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [7]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(13) "Norme non feu" ["value"]=> string(22) "M2 - 1021 parts 1 et 2" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "11" } [8]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(8) "Cleaning" ["value"]=> string(19) "Se nettoie à l'eau" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "22" } [9]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(9) "Epaisseur" ["value"]=> string(20) "0.5 mm (millimètre)" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "26" } [10]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(49) "Colour fastness to the sun and weather conditions" ["value"]=> string(19) "Traitement anti U.V" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "28" } [11]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(21) "Température extrême" ["value"]=> string(15) "-20°C / +70°C" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "31" } [12]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Couleur" ["value"]=> string(11) "Transparent" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "39" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(13) { ["Weight"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(6) "Weight" ["value"]=> string(9) "610 g/m²" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "4" } ["Compositions"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(12) "Compositions" ["value"]=> string(3) "PVC" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "5" } ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(23) "You order what you need" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Résistance à la rupture"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(25) "Résistance à la rupture" ["value"]=> string(7) "7 kg/mm" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "15" } ["Properties"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Properties" ["value"]=> string(24) "Anti UV et anti statique" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "7" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(8) "All uses" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "140 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Norme non feu"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(13) "Norme non feu" ["value"]=> string(22) "M2 - 1021 parts 1 et 2" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "11" } ["Cleaning"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(8) "Cleaning" ["value"]=> string(19) "Se nettoie à l'eau" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "22" } ["Epaisseur"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(9) "Epaisseur" ["value"]=> string(20) "0.5 mm (millimètre)" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "26" } ["Colour fastness to the sun and weather conditions"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(49) "Colour fastness to the sun and weather conditions" ["value"]=> string(19) "Traitement anti U.V" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "28" } ["Température extrême"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(21) "Température extrême" ["value"]=> string(15) "-20°C / +70°C" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "31" } ["Couleur"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(7) "Couleur" ["value"]=> string(11) "Transparent" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "39" } } }

Roll of 50 meters of Flexible PVC cristal clear plastic curtain strip width 20 cm by metre

Roll of 50 meters of Flexible PVC cristal clear plastic curtain strip width 20 cm by metre

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Roll of 50 meters of flexible PVC cristal clear plastic curtain strip width 20 cm (200 mm)

Flexible PVC cristal clear plastic curtain strip width 100 mm.
Flexible clear PVC with bluish highlights and 2 rounded edges.
Thickness : 2 mm or 3 mm.
Width : 200 mm.
Weight :
- 480 gr/ml in 2 mm,
- 720 gr/ml in 3 mm.

Sold by roll of 50 meters.

High quality for a professional use : premises protection, protection against dust, protection against splashes, protection against noise, etc
Made in France phthalate free without silicone.
You can cut it to your own dimensions.
Decreasing price according to the ordered quantity.
Also available by meters.

Techincal characteristics of our PVC strips


Find out our wide range of flexible pvc strips available in different qualities and widths, as well as our wide selection of cristal.

Need multiple strips in specific dimensions ? Contact us.

" ["description_short"]=> string(171) "

Flexible PVC cristal clear plastic curtain strip width 20 cm (200 mm)
Available in thickness 2 mm and 3 mm
Standard quality
Sold by roll of 50 meters

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Roll of 50 meters of flexible PVC cristal clear plastic curtain strip width 20 cm (200 mm)

Flexible PVC cristal clear plastic curtain strip width 100 mm.
Flexible clear PVC with bluish highlights and 2 rounded edges.
Thickness : 2 mm or 3 mm.
Width : 200 mm.
Weight :
- 480 gr/ml in 2 mm,
- 720 gr/ml in 3 mm.

Sold by roll of 50 meters.

High quality for a professional use : premises protection, protection against dust, protection against splashes, protection against noise, etc
Made in France phthalate free without silicone.
You can cut it to your own dimensions.
Decreasing price according to the ordered quantity.
Also available by meters.

Techincal characteristics of our PVC strips


Find out our wide range of flexible pvc strips available in different qualities and widths, as well as our wide selection of cristal.

Need multiple strips in specific dimensions ? Contact us.

" ["description_short"]=> string(171) "

Flexible PVC cristal clear plastic curtain strip width 20 cm (200 mm)
Available in thickness 2 mm and 3 mm
Standard quality
Sold by roll of 50 meters

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From €230.00

Genuine Porsche vynil headliner fabric Grey

Genuine Porsche vynil headliner fabric

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Genuine Porsche vynil pvc headliner fabric

Products made in Germany

Automotive products

Products for Porsche

Genuine Automotive headliner vynil fabric for Porsche vehicules.
Grey or Purple color, with 120 cm.

Apply using neoprene glue also available on Tissens .

You don't find the fabric of your vehicle ? Contact us !

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Other Porsche products avaiable on Tissens.

" ["description_short"]=> string(111) "Genuine Porsche vynil headliner fabric
Avaiable in 2 coloris witdh 120 cm,
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(38) "genuine-porsche-vynil-headliner-fabric" ["meta_description"]=> string(89) "Genuine Porsche vynil headliner fabric Avaiable in 2 coloris witdh 120 cm, Sold by meter." 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Genuine Porsche vynil pvc headliner fabric

Products made in Germany

Automotive products

Products for Porsche

Genuine Automotive headliner vynil fabric for Porsche vehicules.
Grey or Purple color, with 120 cm.

Apply using neoprene glue also available on Tissens .

You don't find the fabric of your vehicle ? Contact us !

Also find out certified automotive leathers UTACautomotive foamsautomotive carpetsroof skies, and many other things.

Other Porsche products avaiable on Tissens.

" ["description_short"]=> string(111) "Genuine Porsche vynil headliner fabric
Avaiable in 2 coloris witdh 120 cm,
Sold by meter.

" ["link_rewrite"]=> string(38) "genuine-porsche-vynil-headliner-fabric" ["meta_description"]=> string(89) "Genuine Porsche vynil headliner fabric Avaiable in 2 coloris witdh 120 cm, Sold by meter." ["meta_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["meta_title"]=> string(38) "Genuine Porsche vynil headliner fabric" ["name"]=> string(38) "Genuine Porsche vynil headliner fabric" ["available_now"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["available_later"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["delivery_in_stock"]=> string(29) "Shipping within 48 / 72 hours" ["delivery_out_stock"]=> string(27) "Shipping within 4 to 6 days" ["new"]=> string(1) "0" ["id_product_attribute"]=> string(6) "139550" ["allow_oosp"]=> int(1) ["category"]=> string(27) "automotive-roof-sky-fabrics" ["category_name"]=> string(27) "Automotive roof sky fabrics" ["link"]=> string(99) "" ["attribute_price"]=> float(0) ["price_tax_exc"]=> float(35.833333) ["price_without_reduction"]=> float(35.833333) ["reduction"]=> float(0) ["specific_prices"]=> bool(false) ["quantity_all_versions"]=> int(1998) ["id_image"]=> string(10) "en-default" ["features"]=> array(6) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } [1]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } [2]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } [3]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "120 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } [4]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(7) "Porsche" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } [5]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } ["attachments"]=> array(0) { } ["virtual"]=> int(0) ["pack"]=> int(0) ["packItems"]=> array(0) { } ["nopackprice"]=> int(0) ["customization_required"]=> bool(false) ["attributes"]=> array(1) { [3]=> array(8) { ["id_attribute"]=> string(1) "5" ["id_attribute_group"]=> string(1) "3" ["name"]=> string(4) "Gray" ["group"]=> string(6) "Colour" ["reference"]=> string(7) "TCLV-PA" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["isbn"]=> string(0) "" ["upc"]=> string(0) "" } } ["rate"]=> float(0) ["tax_name"]=> string(0) "" ["ecotax_rate"]=> float(0) ["unit_price"]=> int(0) } ["grouped_features"]=> array(6) { ["Unit sales"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Unit sales" ["value"]=> string(9) "Au mètre" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "13" } ["Country of origin"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Country of origin" ["value"]=> string(9) "Allemagne" ["id_feature"]=> string(2) "18" } ["Uses"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(4) "Uses" ["value"]=> string(10) "Automotive" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "8" } ["Width"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(5) "Width" ["value"]=> string(6) "120 cm" ["id_feature"]=> string(1) "2" } ["Automotive brands"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(17) "Automotive brands" ["value"]=> string(7) "Porsche" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "131" } ["Name of vehicle"]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> string(15) "Name of vehicle" ["value"]=> string(5) "Other" ["id_feature"]=> string(3) "132" } } }

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