Since 1920 in Avranches, side of Mont-St-Michel, Batel creates and reproduces small furniture that cross time. Years after years collections are modernized while respecting the rules of art and perpetuating French high-end work that is now appreciated by international customers.
Far of the furniture world at his time my, grand father Hippolyte Batel apprentice cabinetmaker in the Faubourg St. Antoine, at the beginning of the last century, learned to master the technique and aesthetics of woodworking that will serve him throughout his life. During the First World War, he was recalled by factories aircraft Nieuport looking for art cabinet makers to fashion wooden propellers. When calm was restored, he created his own company in 1920 in Avranches, on the side of Mont-St-Michel. It designs, creates and reproduces small furniture that travel across time. He passes on his knowledge to my Father which, in turn, develops its own collections, modernizing the working tool while respecting the rules of art and perpetuating a work that is now appreciated by an international clientele. In turn he transmitted his passion, and today my grandfather knows that while moving towards the new times, I will never forget that he is at the origin of this precious French heritage.